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Marcy cautiously took a step forward, with her arms extended in front of her in case she accidentally tripped, since she was extremely clumsy after all.

She gingerly placed each foot down on the ground and felt a moment of relief with each step she took that didn't end up with her falling.

She could feel her girlfriends hand on her back, guiding her forward with each step.

Marcy could feel the warmth of Anne's hand through her shirt, a comforting reminder that Anne was with her and that she could rely on her steady presence.

Anne could sense Marcy's uneasiness and leaned slightly down to whisper in Marcy's ear, "It's okay, Mars, we're almost there."

Her breath tickled their ear, which sent a shiver down their spine. They could feel the goosebumps rising on their skin by the warmth of Anne's breath.

Marcy slightly swallowed, and did her best to try and steady her nerves. Once she managed to get them under control again, she nodded in response to Anne's whispers, too overwhelmed to speak since she knew her voice would display how much Anne had an affect on her without even trying.

Anne had promised her a surprise, but she didn't expect to be led around blindfolded, she was already clumsy enough when she had her vision, adding a blindfold to the mix was just a cry for chaos.

Marcy's heart raced a bit as she tried to anticipate any obstacles that might be in her way. She was determined not to trip or stumble, so she took each step slowly and deliberately, which probably would've annoyed anyone, but Anne was patient and kept her upright and maneuvered them away from small pebbles and other nuisances.

Marcy couldn't wait to see what Anne had in store for them, but for now, she was content to just let the brunette lead the way, because despite her nervousness, she trusted Anne completely and wholeheartedly.

Despite the blindfold and the uncertainty of what's to come, Marcy felt safe and secure with Anne by her side. She knew that Anne would lead her to something amazing, and she couldn't wait to see what it was.

After a few more hesitant steps, Anne lightly tugged on Marcy's arm, which brought them both to a halt.

Marcy could feel Anne's hand move from her back to the back of her head, untying the blindfold.

"Are we finally here?" Marcy asks, as Anne slightly struggled to untie the knot she made on the blindfold.

"Shh, you'll find out when I take this off." Anne said playfully, Marcy wanted to feel annoyed but could feel the smile crossing her face anyways.

When Anne finally untied the blindfold, the cloth fell away, and Marcy quickly opened her eyes, and blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the sudden flood of light.

She blinked again and again before she realized the scenery in front of them and that they were standing in front of a beautiful lake.

Marcy gasped, taking in the sight before her. The lake was breathtakingly beautiful, the water was a deep blue and was shimmering in the sunlight. The surface of the water was smooth and still, reflecting the clouds above in the sky like a mirror. While the trees around the lake are tall and lush, casting a cool shade over the water. Marcy could hear the gentle lapping of the water against the shore, and the distant calls of birds in the tree and couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and tranquility wash over her as she took in the beautiful scenery.

As she gazed at the water, Marcy couldn't help but think of Anne's blue eyes. They were a similar shade to the lake, and the thought of the brunette's eyes filled her with a warm feeling that she always got around the girl, and she couldn't help the eagerness at being able to spend more time, alone especially, with Anne.

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