makes you happy

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(CW: Anxiety & Slutshaming again.)

Marcy's heart was racing as she walked up to Anne's house after what felt like a long drive there. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something might've been wrong.

The rumors that Anne had stolen her away from Sasha were getting crazily out of control, and Marcy was worried that Anne was taking the brunt of the backlash badly.

When she finally made it to the house, she knocked on the door and waited anxiously, trying her best not to freak out too much.

But with every second that passed, it felt like an eternity of being left with these anxious feelings, and Marcy's nerves were getting the best of her and only getting worse as some negative thoughts and scenarios played out in her head.

Like: what if Anne was in trouble? What if she was hurt? What if she was crying? What if she actually took people's opinions to heart?

Marcy did her best to push those thoughts away and tried to calm herself down by taking small breaths, but it didn't help much.

She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, and hear the ringing in her ears as her hands shook a little and she couldn't stop it. Maybe she was just overthinking things but she wouldn't calm down until she knew Anne was alright.

After what felt like ages, the door finally opened, Marcy breathed a sigh of relief, but her relief quickly turned to surprise and confusion when she saw that it was her best friend, Sasha and not her girlfriend.

For a second her mind wandered, and she wondered where Anne was and if she was even home, or why she didn't answer the door and why it took so long for someone to answer it.

Sasha's presence only added  on to Marcy's confusion. She didn't know what to say or how to react, but she knew she had to ask one thing that was nagging at her mind.

"Is Anne home?" Her voice was a bit broken, but she didn't feel embarrassed since it was only her best friend hearing it.

Sasha's expression clearly softened when she heard how worried her best friend sounded.

"Yeah, she's here, cmon and get in here."

Sasha didn't wait and only grabbed Marcy's hand to drag them inside and swiftly shut the door behind them. She led them to the couch where Marcus was sleeping on whilst Anne had sat on the floor, to let the boy rest.

Marcy didn't even fully notice Marcus or his snoring since her eyes were solely on her girlfriend who was sitting nonchalantly on her phone, seemingly having no clue what a good chunk of the world thought about her.

Marcy let out a sigh of relief when she saw that Anne was okay, and quickly walked over and sat down next to her.

A couple of seconds passed where Anne didn't even notice Marcy, since she was so engrossed into her phone, but once she finally looked up and locked eyes with Marcy, she was a bit surprised, but once the shock wore off, a smile crossed her face.

"Hey, pudding. What are you doing here?"

Marcy didn't answer, she was too busy looking at Anne and feeling grateful that she was actually alright, and just taking her features in, she had missed seeing her, even a few hours apart from each other was enough for her to yearn for the brunette.

Marcy still didn't notice the sound of snoring coming from the couch, until the boy sleeping stirred a little and groggily sat up, that she finally remembered that she wasn't alone with Anne.

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