bi duo causes some chaos

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Sasha was lounging on her friends couch upside down, not even noticing the blood rushing to her head as she scrolled through loads of different social medias, like Instagram, TikTok, and others.

She ended up on Twitter and scrolled through her 'For You' page on her main account before switching to her alt one to Tweet out something.

it's been a while, ask me anything :)

The moment she tweeted it, a few replies came rolling in, but she refrained from looking through them until at least a few minutes passed, and sat upright on the couch.

She switched to Instagram and scrolled through photos of random cheerleading videos and whatnot before switching back to Twitter and deciding it was a reasonable time to reply to her followers.

First, she responded to basic questions like what her favorite color was, her favorite food, her favorite movie, etc.

All seemed well until she saw a tweet that made her slightly annoyed.

Are you and Marcy just ignore that everyone knows ab you two?

Sasha had planned to ignore the reply until she scrolled more and saw people attaching the one image of her and Marcy at a bad angle, and other photos of them merely holding hands, the more she saw the photos the more she grew irritated.

when's Marcy's album coming out and how many songs are gonna be about you?

what're you and Marcy? like official? gfs? no labels? situationship? fwb?

Sasha couldn't believe it. Why did people always have to assume that two sapphic women couldn't be friends without being in a romantic relationship?

She quickly typed out a new separate Tweet, since she wasn't properly thinking and only acting on her anger, it probably wasn't the smartest move.

just to make it clear, me and Marcy aren't dating, we never have been and never will be, we're FRIENDS, stop making dumb assumptions !!


Marcus, who had been in the kitchen making himself a snack, walked into the living room just as Sasha was hitting 'send' on her Tweet.

The boy looked at her quizzically, wondering what she was so worked up about and for a second, no one said anything.

"What's going on?" He finally asked, taking a seat next to her on the couch.

"Nothing, just dumb idiots being dumb idiots...." She grumbled.

Marcus still didn't understand, and the puzzled look on his face showed it.

"Just check what I tweeted last only alt account on Twitter." Sasha explained, which made Marcus do just that.

Once he did, he saw all the replies Sasha had seen plus more, now he knew why she was set off and he slightly shook his head, he knew people could be so ignorant sometimes but this was something he never thought could happen.

"Don't let it get to you," He said, patting her on the back. "You know the truth about your friendship with Marcy, and that's all that really matters."

Sasha nodded, feeling a little better by the kind boy's words. She put her phone down and sat up straighter on the couch, taking some deep breaths to get the blood flowing back to her head.

Marcus handed her the glass of water he had originally got for himself but he knew she needed it more, and Sasha gratefully accepted.

"Thanks," She said, taking a small sip. "I guess I just need to take a break from Twitter for a while..."

Marcus slightly smiled, "That's probably a good idea. Why don't we watch a movie or something instead?"

Sasha smiled back, "That sounds great."

She put her phone away and watched as Marcus picked up the remote and handed it to her, as they settled up next to one another, she felt thankful for his friendship and support.

"You can pick the movie, but it better not be actual horror movies- I'm jumpy." Marcus said with a small dramatic shiver to which Sasha softly laughed at.

As she picked out a movie from Netflix, Marcus scrolled through the replies of Sasha's Tweet and stumbled open one that had a screenshot of Anne's username attached.

Can u explain what correlation Anne and Marcy have together?

Anne liked a Tweet of someone saying they don't obsess over Marcy's relationship, which is odd considering those two never interacted before (in the public eye)

LITERALLY BOTH MARCY AND ANNE ARE MY FAVS SO- I was wondering that too, like they're both so famous and apparently interacted? WHAT


Marcus slightly sucked in a breath which drew Sasha's attention to him, she shot him a quirked eyebrow and he silently handed his phone over to his friend.

Once Sasha saw what he had, she sighed but turned off the phone and returned it to the hazel-eyed boy.

"That's certainly not good.... But they don't know that Marcy and Anne like each other, so maybe we could somehow flatten these rumors and speculation, right?" Sasha thought aloud.

Marcus poked his cheek with his tongue before clicking his tongue and saying, "I might have a way to deflect these rumors but.... Anne might kill me."

Sasha waited until he spoke again.

"She has an already recorded song about Marcy using a code name- my crush's name to replace Marcy, and if- if I released it, that'd surely dodge the rumors, since it'd seem like she liked 'Stephen' and not Marcy, right?"

"Why is it not released already?" Sasha asked confused.

"Well, she planned to wait a week, but- you know. Anyways, we don't have to release it, I mean, these fans haven't even connected any dots to come to the conclusion that Marcy and Anne like each other! Maybe we'll hold off—"

"You're gonna release that song, and you're gonna tell Anne about it, okay?"

Marcus sucked in a breath but did as he was instructed to do.

Marcus 👻
so you know that song we made together? um it's gonna need to be released sooner
I'll explain everything when we see each other
don't kill me
love you dude
I'm being so dramstic sorry

To be continued...

[a/n] honestly the song release may not be as bad as it's pent up to be but eh, who knows? it depends on what mood and situationship im in to how it turns out to be.

ANYWAYS, see y'all soon, maybe.

"WOULD YOU KISS ME?" | MarcanneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin