just two 'friends' hanging out

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Marcy slowly opened her eyes, and stirred awake. She felt more warm and comfortable than she usually did, which she found slightly odd, but she was gonna ignore it and fall right back to asleep until she heard a soft snore.

Her eyes snapped open at that and she looked around, trying to find the source of the noise before she saw tan skin, she looked up and saw Anne's sleeping face, and realized that she was snuggled up against the brunette, who was obviously still asleep.

For a second, Marcy began to panic and scrambled to try and get up, but the second she did, Anne stirred a little, and wrapped her arms around Marcy tighter. Marcy froze for a second, she didn't wanna wake the girl up so she laid there until Anne's features relaxed and she heard murmurs come from Anne's lips.

She's a sleep talker...

Marcy didn't even know why her brain was so quick to make a mental note of that, but she brushed past it and decided to just relax.

She hesitated but snuggled closer to Anne, who smiled in her sleeping state.

The moment was quite peaceful, Marcy usually didn't wake up early enough to hear the birds chirp or the rustling leaves, or to see the sun peeking through the windows, looking extra bright.

Marcy's eyes found their way to Anne, she didn't know what it was that made the girl look so ethereal. Anne always looked beautiful, of course, but it seemed like the sunshine illuminating her face enhanced her beauty, and it made Marcy feel a little starstruck.

She knew she shouldn't have been staring, in fact, it was probably a little creepy.

And just when Marcy was about to look away, the brunette had stirred awake, opening her eyes to be met with green ones.

Marcy tensed the moment it happened, her face felt like it was on fire from being caught. She didn't know what Anne would do or say, and for a second, neither of them spoke, so Marcy feared the worst.

But her fears vanished when she saw a smile spreading across Anne's face.

"Good morning," Anne said

Marcy blinked, but smiled back. "Good morning, Anne."

A wave of silence followed after that, it was surprisingly peaceful and soft, though.

Marcy decided it was time to stand up and took a much-needed stretch, sleeping curled up next to Anne was nice, obviously, but it did leave her a bit cramped.

Anne stayed lying down, she felt content at the moment, and internally thought about how amazing it would be to wake up next to Marcy every day just like this.

Once she realized what she had been daydreaming about, her face flushed slightly, and she shook away the thoughts.

She knew Marcy and her were only friends, and that now would definitely not be the right time to try and explore their feelings after the serious talk they had, had, last night.

Marcy looked around after she was done stretching, she didn't have a chance to the other night because of their talk. She was finally aware that this was the first time she had seen Anne's house. It wasn't ginormous but it wasn't tiny either, it wasn't overly-luxurious or overly-boring, it seemed cozy and very Anne.

Anne took notice of Marcy's searching eyes and sat up, trying to pinpoint their reactions to every little object their eyes would land on.

"You like my home?" Anne asked, clasping her hands together.

Marcy tore her eyes away from a random decoration and met Anne's blue ones. She opened her mouth before closing it and settling for a nod.

"It's nice, it's cozy, and it's like you, I like it."

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