green eyes

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TIME HAD seemingly passed by so slow yet so fast for Anne, and before she even knew it, she only had two hours to get ready for the party.

She spent an hour stressing over which dress to pick, or whether to go with something more casual, or if she should just not go to the party at all.

So, she had texted Twig to get his help.

Anne 😴
is it like more of a casual party or like you need to ball out or what?

Sprig (Twig) 🐸
It's a party hosted by some random dude
I'm sure it wont be like your usual famous ppl party where everyone is gorgeous
So relax, you can be casual with it
But not TOO casual
Don't wanna look like a nerd or smthn
Anyways yeah

Anne 😴
dude I don't go to 'famous ppl' parties but whatever
and okay, thanks, I'll DO THAT
thanks Sprig :)

Sprig (Twig) 🐸
My real name being Twig is so funny so I'm not even gonna get mad at the nickname you and Polly keep insisting on calling me
Sprig and Polly sound so bizarre, eh?
Anyways I'll let you get ready


With that now in mind, she decided not to go all out with a full dress, high heels, and makeup. Instead, she put on some light makeup, and settled for her usual yellow Converses, a flannel sweater and some ripped jeans.

Maybe not the best fit of hers, but she wanted to be comfortable still. She finished it off with a puff of her usual perfume.

She paced her house wondering if she should bring anything else besides her keys, phone, and two sticks of gum. (The gum wasn't as important but she wanted to bring it anyways, just in case.)

When she decided she wasn't getting anything else, she called Twig.

The phone rang once before he picked up.


"Did.... You seriously just say that?" She asked, stifling her laugh.

"What do you mean? Wassup is a cool thing to say." He asked, slightly confused.

"Yeah, but not when you do it." She joked.

"Har har, hilarious. Anyways, what you calling for?"

"Well, I was gonna ask if you were gonna head to the party? Like what if I don't know anyone there, you know?"

"Pfft, I'm sure you'd be fine, you're kind of extroverted after all. But yeah, I'm gonna go to the party, too. You want a ride there?"

"That'd be greatly appreciated."

"Okay.... No need for all of that, you're my bestie, so free car rides anytime. I'll pick you up in a bit, bye."

'A bit' came by quickly, and Anne was already in the passenger side of Twig's car, ready to go.


"Alright! Party time, whoop whoop!" Twig exclaimed as he pulled into the driveway of a larger house than Anne was expecting.

"Holy frog, dude! This house looks like a mansion! I thought you said it'd be casual?!" Anne shrieked, now second-guessing her decision and suddenly becoming a little self-conscious.

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