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Anne had been lying in bed, still half-asleep, when her phone buzzed a few times which caused her to stir in her sleep and get awoken.

She groggily reached for her phone and saw the messages that she had received from her team and her manager.

At first, she thought she was dreaming or was just too tired to have read what she had received correctly, so she tried to rub her eyes to see if that would help.

But as she read it again, she realized that this was no dream and it was very much real.

Sorry for such short notice, but pack your bags Anne, you're going to London.

Anne stared at her phone screen for s minute as she processed the new information.

She was going to London.

Anne was suddenly wide awake, a mixture of emotions filling her, as she could hardly believe the news. Of course she was excited to visit somewhere she hadn't gone before and was excited to branch out to new fans, but her mind kept thinking of Marcy snd how she might react to the news.

Anne forced herself to get out of bed to get ready to pack her bags, since it was such short notice, she was rushing to get anything she thought she might need into the two suitcases she had.

Once she was done packing after stressing out a little in her head, she picked up her phone once more, wondering if Marcy had texted at all, but when she checked, there was no new notifications, which she probably should've seen coming.

She let out a small breath but she knew she didn't have much time to think about her relationship problems at the moment, since her team had everything prepared and since she needed to head out to the private jet they've rented out

Anne knew that her leaving to London might risk her and Marcy's relationship in case the other girl wants to see her but Anne is in another place, but Anne didn't really have a say in this, so she tried not to worry about how things might change and just hurries out of her house.

Once she was outside, she was surprised to see a car waiting out front, she walked to the drivers side and waited for the person to notice her.

After a second, the girl turned her head and Anne was pleasantly surprised to see familiar blue eyes she had met last night.


The brunette girl inside the car grinned a little once she realized who Anne was, "You're the girl from the bar, right?"

Anne just got into the car, and as Rowan drove, she nodded.

"Yeah- I didn't know you drove famous people around for a living...."

Rowan softly laughed, "It's a very specific job, so I wouldn't assume anyone would think that."

As Rowan kept making small-talk, Anne's eyes roamed the car to see a small snow globe that rotated with photos of Rowan and Juliet on the dashboard, the decoration was cute and showed how much Rowan loved Juliet.

Anne's eyes went to the locket wrapped around the rear view mirror, with the letter 'J', she assumed it was Juliet's initial.

"Is that your necklace or Juliet's?" She asked, pointing at the locket once more.

Rowan glanced at the necklace, a small smile spreading across her face as she tried hard not to blush.

"Yeah, Jules and I wear each other's initials around our necks- its sort of a way to let each other know that, you know, we really know each other."

Rowan's eyes were shining with love as Anne noticed that the girl had to fight back a smile.

"Dude, you are so in love."

Rowan huffed out a laugh and gripped the steering wheel to try and keep her cool.

"It's hard not to be when Juliet made a mixtape for me in freshman year and used that to ask me out, it was kind of dorky but, I loved it and I loved her, so of course I accepted."

"She made you a mixtape?!" Anne repeated.

Rowan's cheeks were heating up and she quickly went to Juliet's defense, "It may be cheesy, but it showed how much she cared!"

"Woah! I wasn't saying it's a bad thing, if someone asked me out or pulled a romantic situation with music, I'd probably drop down on one knee." She said, half-joking, but she did love cute and cheesy things if they were done right and out of love.

Rowan stayed silent before softly speaking, "Do you think eighteen is too early to propose to someone?"

Anne didn't expect the sudden question, so her face did display some shock before she quickly composed herself once more.

"Well.... I don't know, it mostly depends on the people in the relationship, on if they want to marry or not, you know? But I think that it doesn't matter how old you are, unless you're like fifteen, then maybe not. But, when you know, you know."

Rowan processed Anne's words and quietly nodded, letting the words sink in as she thought about what she might or might not do.

They finally got to the private jet, and Anne had quickly thanked Rowan after they swapped numbers, and she was already on her way to the steps of the private jet and she climbed aboard.

When she got inside, she thought that jet was a little too luxurious with plush seats, a fully-stocked bar, and a large TV screen. She could hardly believe that she got to travel like this but she tried not to think about it because she knew she'd feel guilty if she did, so she settled into her seat instead and looked out the window as the jet took off.

She watched as the city below grew smaller and smaller, until it was just a blur of lights in the distance and the buildings looked like tiny specks.

As the jet flew through the still dark sky, Anne couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder. She had never been on a plane like this before, and she had never seen the world from this perspective. She looked out the window, watching as the stars twinkled above her and she felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over her, just for a second.


While Anne had just arrived at London to do press stuff, Marcy had been writing a song to perform at an award show that'd she had the luxury of hosting.

She had been scrolling through Twitter from a break between the song-writing, and it was then that she discovered that Anne was in the UK, London specifically.

A sigh escaped Marcy, that did put a bit of a wedge in her plans to try to see Anne in person, but it did, however, help her write more lyrics down.

Once she was done, she titled the song: Message In A Bottle.

She knew she'd be performing, it was perfect.

To be continued...

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