there was only one bed

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After picking up Domino from Anne's manager who had taken care of the cat while they were out, they headed back to their hotel that Anne's team had booked for the four.

When they had gotten inside, they were informed that they had only gotten two rooms, Anne's team her only assumed Marcy would be here, and not Rowan and Juliet, so they didn't bother adding two more rooms. But the four would make it work somehow.

The receptionist handed two of them a key, to rooms on the third floor, before politely smiling until they were gone.

Rowan had a key in one of her hands, while the other was interlocked with Juliet's, as she stared at the girl in awe, she was always starstruck by how pretty how girlfriend was, so sometimes, at random moments, she would just admire the girl because she was just that beautiful.

Juliet noticed Rowan's gaze, her arm still around the girl as she met her eyes with a small smile, "We're definitely sharing a room, huh? Or are you gonna make me sleep in the other room?"

Rowan pretended to think about it long and hard before saying, "Fine, you win this time."

Juliet grinned, and placed a gentle kiss on her girlfriends forehead, before glancing at Marcy and Anne who were stealing glances at one another.

"So, that means you two are gonna share a room together. It worked out in the end, eh?"

Anne and Marcy were forced to look away from each other and looked at Juliet with confused looks on their faces, they hadn't been paying attention to the room situation and they were already in front of the room that had the number that the key had.

"Open the door, Marcy." Juliet said, pointing at the key in the girls hand, which made Marcy quickly follow her instructions.

She struggled for a bit before managing to turn the lock and opening the door, Juliet and Rowan could've left, but they wanted to see the room their friends got, so they stepped inside with the girls.

The first thing they all saw when they got inside was a large bed splat in the middle, the only problem was that was the only one in there, and Marcy and Anne were meant to be sharing the room.

Some silence filled the air as the two connected the dots and realized they would have to share the same bed. Anne and Marcy's faces visibly reddened, even though they had slept on the couch together numerous times, sleeping on a bed seemed different and more intimate.

Juliet had covered her mouth dramatically, trying to hide the shit-eating grin on her face and the laugh she was trying to hold back escaped a little but she quickly covered it up with a fake cough.

Rowan sent a disapproving look to her girlfriend, before turning to Marcy and Anne.

"Hey, we're gonna head to our rooms, good luck with... this." She said, trailing off before swiftly taking Juliet while leaving the room and shutting the door.

The echo of the door lingered when they left, and Marcy and Anne didn't dare look at each other for a minute as the silence settled in once more. Anne wasn't sure if Marcy would be comfortable sleeping in the same bed with her, so she tried phoning the receptionist.

After dialing the number the lady gave her while they were at the front desk, the phone rang before being picked up.

"How may I help you?"

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