Half-truth that hurts

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The next thing Seojun heard was his mother's sobbing. Unlike last time, this time he could not move his eyelids a bit. Was he not helpless enough that that all he could see is darkness? His mother's sobbing continued. He could feel her caressing his head,

"You have been sleeping for six years? How much are you going to disturb your mother?"

What the fuck- SIX YEARS. Hearing the words, Seojun wanted to scream his lungs out that it needed to be a joke. There is no freaking way he had been lying in that hospital bed for so long. It was just yesterday that he had been to the party, he was drinking with Janhae and then-

The indicators on the machine shot up, beeping noises filling the ward, followed by the nurses rushing in as he tried to remember what happened next till he lost track once again. 

Walking through the empty lanes, Suho was on his way to drop off Soojin to her house. It was Thursday, Soojin's only off-day in the week. Despite being offered two leaves a week, Soojin had chose to have only one holiday a week. Not to enhance her career by gaining more experience but to stay closer to Seojun. Being a new-comer, she wasn't qualified enough to be much involved in his case but being the stubborn queen she is, she would sneak around searching for chances to check on him time to time during her working hours. 

The silence was broken by his question, "Why don't you update Janhae time to time? You also know that she is concerned. Whenever you don't respond, she calls me. I am not a doctor, I can't explain her doubts."

"Maybe she just wants to talk to you", Soojin joked in an attempt to get off hook.

"Soojin. Its not funny, she told me you always ignore whenever she wants to talk about him."

"What is there to talk about him? ", Soojin stated emotionlessly, scrolling through her phone.

'He just wanted to take care of his late best friend's crush. I was just a responsibility', her heart dropped, remembering the last words she had heard before the accident. It was just all in her mind, she had reminded herself endlessly throughout this years but it pained her everytime she remembered that evening. 

"Yaay right. She takes out time from her busy shooting schedule to listen to my voice. It isn't even soothing to hear", he blurted. If asked what the years in law school taught him, his first reply would be to come up with blunt comebacks in micro-seconds.

Although she spoke nothing, Suho knew something was wrong. He had even asked Janhae repeatedly but the girl would brush it off everytime. Both the girls had damn tight lips, if they had decided not to let the cat out of the bag, they would not let it slip even after death. 

They were just steps away from Soojin's apartment when Suho's phone rang with Gowoon's call. 

"Suho. Omma is saying something has happened to Oppa in the hospital. I will be there in twenty minutes. Can you reach there with Soojin? Omma is really panicked", came the voice from the other side. 

"Yes. We shall reach within five minutes", Soojin snatched the phone to reply, indicating Suho to stop a cab. 

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