Your eyes

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"Miss. Model coming to school with boyfriend, nah?", Seojun teased Janhae as soon as she took her sit.

Seeing her give no reply, he realised she was still angry after last day's incident. 

"Sorry. We are friends now. Although I have a sharp tongue, I don't think much. Forget it", he tried to behave as cute as possible.

"Stop it. Its cringing me now", she barked.

"I will make you feel cringe till you forgive me. Sorry sorry sorry", he went on ranting till Janhae laughed out.

"Thank god you guys are cool now. The air felt heavy to breath a few minutes ago", Soojin exhaled in relief.

"Soojin. From where did you find such an idiotic boyfriend?", Janhae asked out of the blue, shocking the others.

"Who is my boyfriend?", Soojin herself felt clueless.

"Whom are you dating? You moved on so soon? Or is Suho cheating on Jugyeong with you?", Seojun's questions sent Soojin into a bigger shock.

"Aren't you dating Soojin?", Janhae asked Seojun this time.

"Who told you such this?", Seojun asked in disbelief. From where did such a rumour come from?

"Your eyes", Janhae smiled giving the answer. 

What followed next was a few minutes of silence between the trio and a weird staring and uncomfortable eye contact between Soojin and Seojun.

"Boss you like Kang Soojin?", Seojun's friend who had just arrived and heard some part of their conversation shouted bluntly, dragging the attention of the whole class, who were too stunned to react.

Suho and Jugyeong who busy in their world till now were the first ones to break the silence.

"Whaaaaattttttttttttt", Jugyeong screamed.

"How is this possible?", Suho mumbled to himself. He knew Seojun knew that Soojin had leaked those pictures. He had decided not to reveal the truth to Jugyeong because he felt sorry for Soojin, although he was disappointed, he wasn't angry. But Seojun wasn't someone to give away grudges easily.

"I was just joking", Janhae fake laughed trying to manage the situation. It was getting more and more awkward.

"Exactly. We were just joking. Why are you all getting so serious?", Seojun joined the act.

Soojin sat there in silence. She had no idea what to say and could only give a smile. 


"We are just good friends", Soojin told Janhae after everyone had busied themselves in their own work once again.

"That sounded just like an actress gives when asked about her secret boyfriend in an interview", Janhae said in the same tone as Soojin used.

"Oye. We can talk about us later on. Now tell us about your dating life. Maybe someone we can help to cover you up from the media", Seojun said placing the glasses of juice he had bought for them.

"What dating life? My dating life is as bland as boiled rice", Janhae complained. 

"Seriously?", frowned Soojin.

"Explain this", Seojun demanded after forwarding his phone.

"Explain this", Seojun demanded after forwarding his phone

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"Oh this", Janhae chuckled on their doubts.

"Yes this. His account is full of your pictures", Seojun was followed by Soojin, "You both were together in a drama. I saw it. The chemistry between you and him was sooo-"

"Stop stop stop. Don't think so much. He is outside my radar and moreover I have a crush", Janhae revealed, blushing at the mention of her crush.

"Your crush?"

"Who is it?"

"Show us his picture."

"Why haven't you made a move yet?"

Soojin and Seojun's series of questions were paused only after Janhae put forward the picture of her crush infront of them, leaving them to judge her choice.

Soojin and Seojun's series of questions were paused only after Janhae put forward the picture of her crush infront of them, leaving them to judge her choice

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"He is cute", Soojin commented after scrolling through the pictures

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"He is cute", Soojin commented after scrolling through the pictures.

"He is not in media industry. Right?", Seojun asked, still looking into the phone.

"Tell me something I don't know", Janhae smirked.

"So how do you know him?", Soojin enquired. Janhae has been in media industry since childhood. There is no other way she could meet a guy elsewhere.

"But I have seen him somewhere", Seojun said, still staring at the pictures.

"Seojun, don't tell me you are gay", Soojin expressed her confusion on seeing him stare at the guy's picture for so long.

"What?", Seojun asked, surprised at her imagination.

"Don't worry. I am not homophobic. I just thought you were into girls. Or maybe you are bi?"

"Don't worry. We won't judge you", Janhae followed Soojin.

"No. Stop assuming absurd things", Seojun shouted to stop the girls from overthinking.

"Its alright. We three can check out men together", Janhae continued to tease Seojun.

"So that means you were actually trying to date Jugyeong so that Suho won't be someone else's and thats why you hated me", Soojin concluded, proud at her observation.

Seojun sat back in shock. It just took a minute for those girls to think he is gay. His years of reputation of being a bad boy, king of girls' hearts, their prince charming was drowning. 

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