Submerged feelings

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"Janhae, you look lost", Soojin shook her friend who had been staring at the blank blackboard blankly for more than 5 minutes. Every feature on her face spoke how deep she was in her thoughts. 

"Ah ha", Janhae was suddenly dragged out of her imaginary world and she immediately looked towards Suho's seat. That boy was busy talking with a blushing Jugyeong.

"Bro, I am speaking to you", Soojin pulled her friend's face towards her.

"I. survived. a. nightmare", Janhae spoke in a deep voice, looking right into Soojin's eyes.

"You are giving me creeps", Soojin licked her lips, she was getting goosebumps hearing Janhae's haunted voice.

To which Janhae just hummed.

"Are you auditioning for a role in a horror film?", Soojin who could no longer bear Janhae's overpowering stare, shifted back in her seat. 

"I am dead. D-E-A-D", Janhae said and put her head on the bench, facing the other side of the classroom and closed her eyes.


"Eat me? NO. I am still a child", Janhae shouted, throwing the pillows towards Suho who was smirking in his seat.

"Acting career has heavily affected your brains. Shooting those adult scenes have corrupted your way of thinking. I am just telling you to eat the food you bought with me", Suho said in his usual cold and calm tone.

"Who wants to eat with you? I am on a diet", Janhae blabbered as she got on her feet and started approaching towards the door. 

She tried stepping forwards but could move ahead, it felt as if someone was holding her back. It won't be Suho, he can't be doing such wierd stuff. Tilting back, she saw it was Suho indeed. Her host had tied her belt with a rope and was holding the other end of the rope. Wow, a typical bully romance cliche with a tinge of social distancing!!

"I can't let my guest go without eating anything. Come here, weren't you desperate few minutes back?", he pulled the rope, dragging her closer to the sofa.

"You aren't going to do anything with me, right? Otherwise my fans will beat the scrap out of you", Janhae warned in her stern voice, trying to overpower him.

"Janhae. You are such a small little child. How can I do anything to do? Don't worry. I am not a pedophile", Suho replied. 

"But I am above 18. It does not matter if you are pedophile or not."

Suho controlled his urge to laugh out loud at her words. The girl looking all bossy in school and all bitchy on-screen was fumbling like those damsel in distress in daily soaps. A view indeed!

Seeing him distracted, Janhae quickly took off her belt, leaving it there with the rope and ran towards the door. 

If she had taken another glance behind her, she could have seen Suho digging his face into a pillow so that she could not hear him laughing his ass off. 


"Han Seojun", the teacher called out while taking the attendance. 

There was no reply. Soojin sat staring at the seat infront of her. Shouldn't she be happy that he did not come to school? It would have been all awkward if he had come. She had no idea how to face him after all that had suddenly happened. 

Why the hell did her heart beat so fast getting close to him? Just hormones. But it was never like that before. She had felt something poking between her thighs that day. She didn't turn him on, did she? Ofcourse not. Seojun had feelings for Jugyeong. It definitely was something else. Maybe some pen in the pocket of his pant. Or maybe it was all in her mind. That must be it,Soojin reassured herself once again that nothing had changed.

"Why didn't that brat come?", Janhae asked, still lying on the desk and her eyes closed.

"I don't know", Soojin replied in a low voice.

"Why do you sound so sad? Are you missing him or what?", Soojin began her inquiry in her half-asleep mode.

"Why would I miss him?", Soojin protested. Was she missing him? She definitely wasn't. It was just that she had got habituated with having arguments with him every morning, and teasing him the whole day. She would rather be at peace, she had to nag at no one to pay attention in the class. She obviously was feeling at peace once again. She did not even like seeing Seojun getting concerned about her and inquiring about minor details of the smallest of small things a bit. 

''Denial is a river in Egypt", Janhae sang in a mocking tone, seeing Soojin scratching her head in confusion. 

"Seojun is not gay", Soojin argued hearing it.

"Seojun is your husband?", Janhae could not hold her laughter seeing Soojin unable to control her feeling. 


"What the hell was I thinking last night? Was I high or what?", Suho grumbled, looking at himself in the mirror. 

The whole day he had been trying to prevent getting Janhae's attention. In the corridors, he had changed his direction seeing her. In the classroom, he had not even looked in that direction. He even bunked his chemistry class. Bunked class for the first time.

"Why the hell did I do such weird things last night?", he spoke to the packaged food packets that were still in the same place since last night.

His phone began ringing once again. Jugyeong's picture popped up. Its the third time he is ignoring her call that night. Guilt was overpowering his sense of understanding.

"What is there to talk about? Nothing important, just some blabber", he reasoned himself before finally switching off that damn phone and going to sleep. End of day, end of discussion, or as he thought.

"How the hell does Seojun manage her all the time?", he mumbled to himself while tossing from one side of the bed to another in the middle of the night. Sleep seemed miles away from him.

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