My good brother

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"What are you up to?", Soojin asked Janhae.

"What am I up to?", Janhae repeated after her, smiling.

Seojun who had followed Janhae could finally calm down on seeing the two girls sitting. Soojin might be a overthinker but she definitely knew to handle situations. She might actually be better at finding out what was going on in Janhae's mind than him. He was in a conflict whether to overhear their talks or let them be on  their own and wait for Janhae to come clean herself when one of his friends suddenly appeared out of nowhere, "Han Seojun. My master, where were you all this time? Come play with us", even before Seojun could deny, his friend had already pulled him to the soccer ground.

"I am just trying to give her a ride. A ride on a rollercoaster of emotions", laughed Janhae.

"Are you doing it for me?", Soojin stared at Janhae waiting for the answer.

"Heyy. Don't look at me like that. I feel as if you can completely see through me."

"You did not answer me."

"Yah. I want her to give her a little bit of pain you got when you saw the person you like moving away. And also show her how real love war looks like", Janhae confessed.

"You don't have to do this. You are putting your career on risk too. If any showbizz member get even a slight hint, they are going to bash you", Soojin protested. She did not want to lose her new friend. She was just like her. She knew how Janhae would feel once she loses grip.

"Not really. I heard Hyeyeong talking to Suho's father. Suho's father might make a deal with my agency to release news of me dating Suho to make Suho debut in the film industry. Suho has no interest in all these so he won't be agreeing to become an idol easily. So uncle is planning something like this."

Soojin was shocked by the chain of revelations. Her mind was more messed up than ever, "What the actual..."


"Its so messed up. Won't they ask for your opinion?"

"No. You know how popular his father is. Suho has got a good face too. It will be a cherry on the cake of my career."

"Have you spoken to Suho yet?"

"Naah. I overheard Hyeyeong fighting with my supervisor from the agency. He does not want me to get involved in all these now, for this year atleast. But Suho's father has come with all preparations."

"So what did Hyeyeong say?"

"He told that he would speak to my parents for their permission. I will tell him to give my consent."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I don't want to mess with anyone", Janhae sighed.

"It will be alright. Just a year", Soojin supported. She understood it wasn't Janhae's solo decision. It would be the best way out for everyone.

"I wish so too. I don't want to mess up with their lives much. But I also know wonder how uncle is planning to get Suho agree in this deal. I hope he won't be blackmailing him."

"Why are you so caring for him? Getting concerned for your future fake boyfriend from now only?", Soojin teased.

"Yes Yes. Very concerned. As if I want to treasure him!!"

Soojin could not help laughing at Janhae's tantrums.

"He isn't that bad", she protested in the mid of laughing.

"He is so cold and mean. Gosh I get scared at times."

"Date Seojun then. Completely opposite."

"Too adventurous. You might then see me as a gangstar after five-six years than an actress."

"He isn't that bad. He is just a wanna-be gangstar. Let me tell you. I fight better than him."

"So whats good in him?", Janhae asked casually in the context, silently sliding out Soojin's inner thoughts.

"He is caring. He stands by you without judging. He is not intelligent, in fact he can't even read between the lines. But he will fight for you even when you are alone. He can't say comforting words but he will definitely make you laugh to forget the pain."

"So he is a good guy?"

Suddenly Soojin realised what she had blabbered a moment ago. Unknowing she had praised him, but she herself never realised her feelings changing towards him. 

"What do you think of me?", Janhae tried to bring out more things but unfortunately for her, Soojin was alarmed.

"He is a very good brother."

"Huh?", Janhae stood up in shock.

"You will agree to date my brother, right?"


"Why? If he gets popular even before debut, he will get more fanbase when he starts his career."

"You want me to date him?"




"No no no", Janhae ran away towards the school, still continuously shouting a NO.

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