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The ward was in chaos.  The doctor was busy with the defibrillators, the nurses ready with injections and medicines handy. Sticking to the glass door, Soojin's eyes were stuck on the irregular pattern telling more and more about Seojun's stability on the monitors. That despite being a doctor, she wasn't allowed inside the ward was angering her more. During the past six years, every time she had wanted to help, she would only realise her hands were tied. But today was different, much much different. Such sharp changes in his impulses and hormones hadn't been seen in the last six years. 

Gowoon, on the other hand, was trying to console her crying mother. She had grown up into a stronger woman now. Ever since the tree shading her since her childhood had been removed, she had started being the protector of her family's safety and needs. 

Suho, who was still trying to pull away Soojin from the door, was yet to give in. 

"Get off the glass now", he cried, tired but still struggling.

"Damn this degree. I worked so hard, spent days and nights studying. Just to take care of him but now I can't even get inside. Why the fuck did I work so hard for?", Soojin spatted, gaining the attention of everyone around with her loud curses. 

"Keep silence please. Its a hospital", a nurse reminded and left.

"You are still an intern. Moreover you need specialization to deal with these complicated cases", Suho tried to remind her.

"I hate this", Soojin kicked the door before finally leaving it. Thankfully the door was closed and the wards were soundproof.

"Calm down Soojin. Maybe the new treatment is actually effective and thats why the changes are there", Gowoon picked up Soojin, who had sat on the floor on her knees, and made her sit on the chair. It wasn't unexpected that her try to lift up some positivity would fail. The wait of six years had filled up everyone with nothing but fear. 


Few hours later....

Han Seojun slowly opened his eyes. This time his body did not feel as numb as before. Th first person he saw was his sister, who was sitting right beside him, holding his hand and smiling with shining eyes. Seeing his little sister so much grown up, he smiled a bit. Indeed lot of time has passed. He parted his lips to speak but it felt too dry. Understanding him, Gowoon immediately filled the glass and started feeding him with the straw. 

"You brat. How much do you want to annoy your mother?",

Hearing his mother's voice, he turned towards the other side of the bed. Opposite to his sister, his mother was smiling with that teary face. Her face had turned all red, the smile was of relief, joy, peace. If not for the multiple pipes tied around him, she would have definitely hugged him but now, she could do nothing than running her fingers through his hair.

There was some subtle discussion going on. Some medical terms were being said. Putting aside the glass, he looked in that direction. Standing with her white apron on, the tall girl was taking details from the senior doctor and scrabbling it down on her notebook. Her hair was tied in a messy bun, the make up was smudged, dried tear marks on her cheeks yet her face was glowing as if Soojin was illuminated with the light of happiness. 

Seeing him trying to get up, Gowoon and his mother helped him to sit, making sure to place the pillows such that there would be no scope of him being in pain. The brother and son was finally back. 

"....", Seojun was about to call her when the door opened and Suho came in with a packet of food and fruits. 

"Seojun, you are finally awake. Don't you think you slept for too long?", the man spoke with a smile and handed the fruits to Gowoon, keeping the food packet with himself. Seeing Suho be so cheerful, Seojun was blank for a second and then he was in a shock. Was he dreaming ?, he questioned himself. Without answering Suho, he shifted his eyes to the girl who was now bowing to the doctor.

"I have taken all the notes and sir has allowed me to take the responsibility of after case", she shared with his mother and sister. Soojin's face was lit up, her eyes were sparkling, her smile ran up to her eyes but still could not cover up her tiredness. 

"Seojun, how are you feeling? I will ask you the details one b--", she said while closing the distance between them. Seojun's smile did not reach upto his eyes and Soojin's words stopped on the track when Suho spoke up, "Soojin. Breakfast", lifting up the packet. 

"Where is Janhae?", these were Seojun's first word after six years.  

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