The party has just began

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Even before Seojun or Soojin could start with a hello,

"Guys. I have decided to move on. Mission- Find a new lover", Janhae announced on their conference call in the same evening. 

"Janhae. Life is not a movie. Finding a new lover does not mean moving on. If you don't love the new guy, its cheating him", Soojin argued, annoyed seeing Janhae's childish demands.

"Whom do you like? Tell me the name. If he does not like you, I will beat him till he likes you", Seojun supported on the other hand, providing all resources to fulfil the demand.

"Life isn't a movie. That new lover comes and you start afresh", Soojin fought back.

 "It helps to move on faster. Love is a feeling but it needs to be fed to develop. If she is distracted, she thinks of someone else, finds someone who values her feelings more, she can forget that old feeling faster and much more easily. Haven't I moved on?"

"As if !"

"What as if?"

"Then tell me whom do you love? You are sticking to our ass the whole day."

Hearing a call getting disconnected, Soojin and Seojun checked to realise Janhae had cut off. 

While Janhae had cut off to give them some lone time to confess their love, she had forgotten that if her call gets disconnected, they will get a notification, which had actually broken their flow, stopped the unintentional confession that was about to come. 

Realising what he was about to blabber out, an embarrassed and shy Seojun too disconnected, leaving behind a confused and flustered Soojin. 

The morning of the party

"So you are saying you are taking us to a party?", Soojin asked, staring at the dress Janhae had bought for her.

"Don't tell me that you are going to the party to search for a boyfriend? Parties are not a good place to find partner. Most people are there for hook up", Seojun commented, checking the invitation. 

"I made a friend. He is hosting the party", Janhae replied calmly, painting her toe-nails carefully.

"Which friend? Is he trustable?", Soojin enquired.

"My dear mother, if you want I can put forward his identity card, his visa, his entire history on the table. There is no reason to worry. N-O no, reason", Janhae replied

"Name", Soojin started the enquiry.




"What does he do?"

"Manages his brother's cafe."



"You came to Korea to date a Thai man?", Seojun interrupted.

"I am not dating him. Spotting a fellow country in this foreign land hits different. Moreover I feel people here have set too many beauty standards. I and Sean have to face no language barriers, we can make some racist jokes on you all, we have similar food tastes and so many same grounds of discussion."

"Hush", Soojin scolded them.

"Are we done? We need to get ready for the party. Come come come, we need to go to get a facial done", she dominated, dragging the other two to the parlour.


The party was going on full swing. Loud rock and pop music was being played in the pink and blue lights. The air smelled of alcohol and mixed perfumes. Soojin and Seojun were yet to meet Sean. Janhae was introducing them to the few people she knew, some were even related to the media industry.

Soojin was quick to realise Janhae had dragged in Seojun mainly to increase his contacts. Hence she had began urging Seojun to be polite and careful not to lose control. Soojin knew some faces, those of the spoilt brats specially. 

Soojin'e eyes almost popped out when she saw Suho here, Seojun was sure he was dreaming. 

"Hi Janhae", he hugged Janhae. Seeing the two wrapping arms around each other, the other two almost had an heart attack.

"Whats going on?", Soojin whispered in a ghostly voice. 

"How did it go so far?", Seojun asked back, gulping down glasses after glasses of juice that were kept on the counter.

"Is Suho drunk?", Soojin rubbed her face to check what she was seeing was true or not. 

"You guys must be Soojin and Seojun", the bartender said. 

Hearing their names, the duo immediately turned back.

"How do you know?", Seojun was the first one to ask.

"Hi. I am Sean", he put his hand forward. Seojun immediately shaked hands with his friend's friend. 

"Why is Suho here?", Soojin asked. 

"You have pretty eyes Miss", Sean complimented. 

"I know that", Seojun immediately intervened, and repeated her question.

"Lee Suho? Oh! I forgot Janhae goes to the same school as him. My brother wanted to make this a  Human Library before. Thats when they met. Then I came and convinced him to change it into a cats' cafe. I guess we can be called rivals."

"Rivals indeed", Soojin tried to smile while seeing Suho with Janhae from side eyes.

"But Suho is usually unfriendly. How did he meet your brother?", Seojun, on the other hand was busy to know the full matter. 

"I heard this place, the ground was owned by his late best friend's mother. So while the cafe was being constructed, he used to be here often. Thats when my brother spotted him and since both of them are so invested in research and science, they hit off", Sean cackled remembering his elder brother's love for books.

"Yeon. Brother. I miss you", murmured Seojun, intoxication taking over him.

What followed next was a wild night of crazy partying- drinking, flirting and dancing. The alcohol and drugs had released their trapped wildness free.

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