Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Monday, November 8th

Okay! I'll give you a chocolate Bar if you can guess which play it is. 

1st hint: It's a Broadway show 

2nd hint: I have a good chance of getting the lead role 

3rd hint: This is my FAVORITE Broadway show of all time (just because the main character looks like me).

Are you stumped? The play is Annie! Yes, Annie! I was kinda hoping it would be high school musical but, I never really thought of Annie being our play this year. I gasped when I saw it. When I saw the title of the play, I immediately knew who I wanted to be: Annie. It would great, and then All- Live could be Grace, and I would laugh so hard if Lila got he Part of Sandy, and Brad could be Mr. Warbucks, and, and-

"So, you beat me here." I jumped when I heard that voice. That voice could belong to no one but, Lila Avocado. I turned around and saw her and her gang, Kelsey Milder, and Maraid LaShawn.

My face was at Lila's face. We were the exact same height as each other. "Teller." sneered Lila. She always called me by my last name for some reason ever since 1st grade. "Lila." I said back. "So, you beat me to the bulletin board this year I see." said Lila.

"And do you what else I see, I see an orange loser and a blonde midget with hope in their eyes to get in the play but, it's not gonna happen this time. I'm going to impress Brad by getting the role of Annie, and you, will be nothing." Her friends laughed. I was outraged. SHE was going to impress Brad if I didn't get in, and then he'd ask her to go out with him, and then they'll be kissing or worse!

I HAD to get Annie no matter what it took. I've felt like, all my life, I had to impress a boy. And that boy is Brad! I WILL NOT let Lila get away with this one! She may have won at every battle we've had, but not this one! I'm going to get sweet revenge baby! Oh yes! REVENGE!!!!

I yelled back, "Oh yeah? Well, I'm going to get Annie whether you like it or not sucker!" Kelsey and Maraid made an Oooooooohh... I could tell Lila was getting mad. I wanted to see her pop a vessel and die, HA, HA, HA!!!

I added by accident, "I could beat you by a long shot Avocado! You think you can get away with everything but you can't! I'm am going to get Annie in the play and if your bloody self think you can beat me with my O so amazing self! I'm gonna get sweet revenge on you! Then Brad will see I'm 10 times better than you are! You think you're 'O so better than everyone else' but you aren't! I'm going to get Annie whether you like it or not, Avocado! I'm going to get Brad no matter what!"

That was one of my major dramatic moments where I go and be dramatic, and when I'm dramatic, I call Lila by HER last name. I didn't even know I was being dramatic back there. She retorted back, "You don't know what you're saying Teller, you don't know that and besides, Brad doesn't even like you!" I was REALLY mad right now! I wanted to punch her in the face!

Then, without meaning to, I blurted out, "Do you wanna bet?" That was the very first time those words left my mouth. I covered my mouth with my hand to prevent me from saying anything else dramatic.

Lila said, "You're covering your mouth, because you know you're going to lose Teller!" "But, we don't even know what the bet is!" said Kelsey. "Shut up Kels!" Lila retorted at her. Kelsey made a face like she was ticked off or something.

"Okay." I said finally. "The bet is, who ever gets Annie," "Which will be Lila." Maraid interrupted. I made a face at her. Then, I continued, "AND/OR impress Brad on the day of the show, she will ask him on a date." "Which will be, Ju" OVG interrupted. "Shut up Guilt!" Lila retorted. Lila called Liv by her last name too and made fun of it. "And, if one of us loses, she will have to ask out... You know who, Clark DeMoore."

OMG! Did I mention how much I hate Clark DeMoore? Well, he is super annoying, and SO unpopular! He is a butt head! He's constantly eavesdropping on other kids, and at lunch, he steals a teeny bit of your food if you sit near him! And then, he comes up to you and randomly says something completely stupid! GRRRRR! I can't stand him! No one likes him. If I lost the bet, I would practically explode! But, then if Brad thought of me fondly, then yeah. I had to do it.

I said, "It's a bet!" then me and Lila shook hands. Then she said, "By the way, Guilt here will be so guilty of ever being your friend that she will call herself Guilt!" Lila and her friends were cracking up. I was mad! I could tell Livia was even madder.

She was about to slap Lila when suddenly, we heard a very shrill voice yell, "What are you girls doing here!!?" we all jumped and yelped when we heard her. Mrs. Lee. She yelled very loudly.

Once, the principal, Mrs. Webster, told her she can hear her all the way from her office. Lila and her friends stopped laughing right away when we heard her. We turned around toward her. She was standing right behind Lila. She DID NOT look happy to see us. Her face looked like she just ate like, 5,000 peppers. She yelled, "After school detention, my room! All of you!"

Detention in Mrs. Lee's room is like being poked by like, 1,000 pitch forks. In her detention, we aren't allowed to do anything, even use the bathroom even if it's a complete emergency!

I heard once, this kid had to go to the bathroom super badly, and he was in detention with Mrs. Lee and he peed in his pants, and Mrs. Lee gave him ANOTHER detention because she thought he was fooling around to get attention and that he "deserved" it.

Mrs. Lee is old, grumpy, and ugly. I heard once, she got this woman fired. She lectured her for three hours about not to drop food on the floor in the grocery store and how clumsy it was. The woman was REALLY late to work and she got fired.

Mrs. Lee goes and lectures random people for a very long time. I heard her record for lecturing someone was like, 12 hours! That's like, half a day! Poor person who got lectured. :(.

I also heard also, a few years ago, at a school play our school put on, it was the day of the show, and one person accidentally dropped his prop and Mrs. Lee was there and she legit, went up to him in the middle of the scene on the stage in front of everyone, even the camera man, and lectured him of being so irresponsible and clumsy. It lasted 2 hours; he was so embarrassed that Mrs. Danish had to stop the show because it was screwed up by Mrs. Lee. Poor kid who was lectured on camera.

When Mrs. Lee is lecturing someone, you do NOT want to interrupt her. If you do, you get lectured too! Just like at that play, everyone knew not to yell at her or say she was ruining the show. Everyone knew her!

She is such an evil witch, no, EVILER than a witch. I heard, she has been a teacher ever since she was 16! She is right now 82! She said she likes her job and that she "teaches" people their mistakes and makes them learn there lesson. Well, those "teachings" seem to last a long, long time, and she says she will keep teaching until the day she dies (Which we will all have a big celebration on). :).

Well, detention is finally over. My mom's mad at me. I've told her about Mrs. Lee like 1,000 times, and my mom says I'm just exaggerating. I DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES EVER EXAGGERATE ABOUT MRS. LEE. EVERYTHING I TELL YOU ABOUT HER IS 100% TRUE, SO DON'T EVEN THINK I'M LYING TO YOU, OKAY? Well, I'm going to go now. Bye.

Ju Teller just getting out of detention

Ju Teller: The Redhead Drama QueenWhere stories live. Discover now