Chapter 101 The founding party

Start from the beginning

Because Roy was not interested in news of the high society, he had no idea that David had gone down to the Ramis fiefdom. The guy who was usually pretentious and surrounded by people was now having an attitude like a guilty person. It was suspicious. And Roy's eyes shone with a strange light.

The unpleasant woman appeared again, approached David and the two of them had a brief conversation. Even though they weren't very secretive, they were being somewhat careful of their surroundings. And then, the woman left the party hall. After a while, David also left the party hall.

'Are they lovers?'

The bad ones went well together.

'Weirdly, something feels off.'

Roy turned his focus back to watching the Madam.

* * *

Anita hid in an inconspicuous place and nibbled on her lips as she looked at the Duchess, then at Roy who was a little distance away with his eyes never leaving the Duchess. She couldn't think of a way to separate the Mad Dog from the Duchess. There wasn't much time. The Duchess would be returning when it gets moderately late, she wouldn't stay in the party till dawn.

'I never thought she'd bring a knight with her to a party in the palace.'

There weren't many cases of noblewomen bringing knights with them to the inside of a party. There was no established rule, but if an unknown baron's daughter decides to bring a knight with her everywhere, it would be unusual and they would become subjects of ridicule.

At the Duchess' level, even though they couldn't say anything to her face, there were people who would tilt their head and wonder if there was a need to bring a knight to the party held in the palace; after all, there were strict identity checks performed at the entrance of the palace.

Actually, Roy was very conspicuous. Among the numerous people dressed formally, he was the only one dressed in light armor.

'There is no other chance but today.'

The Duchess rarely attended balls. It was impossible to know when a day like today, a day where the Duchess attends a ball alone, would come again.

'Let's think of a place where the guard cannot follow. Restroom...right. The break room!'

Anita had once seen the Duchess use Princess Katherine's break room. Most noblewomen knew that Princess Katherine had a private break room for herself.

They couldn't step out first and ask the princess to show them her private space, but the noblewomen gossiped among themselves that if they had the chance, they wanted to see the Princess' break room.

Anita decided to make up a situation. After confirming that Katherine was in the party hall, she went to the princess' break room. In order to escape the boisterousness of the party, the break room was located a little further away from the party hall. Which meant that there were very few people walking by.

'This location is very good.'

Two royal knights stood guard in front of the break room. When she pretended not to notice them and tried to get inside, the knights blocked her.

"What is your business here?"

"The princess gave me permission to use this place."

"The princess has never given me such instructions."

"Then, can you call the maid in there for me? The princess asked me to pass on a message."

The knight went inside and after a while, a handmaid came out. Anita quickly measured the height and physique of the maid. Once she realized that the handmaid was very similar to herself, a plan quickly began to form in her head.

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