Chapter 56 To the Capital

Start from the beginning

"I will prescribe digestive medicine to calm your nausea. Once you take it and sleep well, you should be fine."

While waiting for the medicine to be brought, Hugo continued to wipe off the sweat on her forehead. The high fever had still not reduced and her breathing was still uneven. Hugo couldn't make a sick person talk for too long so he shoved his wandering thoughts away for the moment.

"Why are you so foolish? If you were sick, you should have called someone."

"I thought it would be fine."

"It could have been a disaster. You lost consciousness."

"Is it dawn? What do we do? You have to leave early but you haven't gotten much sleep."

"That's not the problem now."

Hugo lowered his voice as much as possible and tried not to get angry at her. She had done nothing wrong to make him angry. It was merely his heart that felt sad.

"I hear you're often sick."

"I am?"

"The headaches."

"Ah...that's just a common thing."

"Can't it be cured completely?"

Lucic chuckled softly.

"When you say it like that, it sounds like a fatal illness. It's not serious. It's similar to someone who has frequent stomachaches. It can't be helped."

"Serious or not, I hate when you're sick."

"I'll be careful not to fall sick."

"That's not what I mean....don't hide it from me when you're sick or in pain. As your husband, I deserve to know that much."

"Okay, I won't."

The maid soon came in with the medicine. Hugo held her to his chest and fed her the medicine then helped her change into new set of dry clothing. Not long after taking the medicine, Lucia fell asleep. With that, it was assumed that the sudden turmoil of the night was over.

Before daybreak, Lucia's temperature began to rise again. She threw everything up including the medicine and her temperature repeatedly rose up and down. Hugo stayed up all night trying to bring down her fever.

Hugo expressed his anger to Anna who was called for the second time.

"Didn't you say it was indigestion? What is this! She can't even keep the medicine down!"

If the northern nobles saw this, they would recall the rumor that the Duke of Taran turned into a flaming dragon when angry. Facing the Duke's anger for the first time, Anna was so nervous that her fingers went numb.

She realized it was a blessing that only she and the Madam knew of her giving Sir. Philip's remedy without knowing of the components. Anna instinctively felt that if the Duke knew, she would lose her head.

"I-I think Milady's stomach is very upset. By any chance, has Milady been shocked or greatly surprised lately? If there are addition psychological factors, the indigestion can worsen."

Hugo frowned and sank into thought. Apart from hearing of the King's death, there was nothing different from usual.

'So she was shocked at the King's death?'

Since Hugo had no affection for his father, he had overlooked the feelings that normal people would have towards the death of their parent.

She never really talked about her father but she talked about her mother frequently so Hugo was even forgetting that the King was her father. Still, they were flesh and blood so perhaps there were some unspoken feelings left over.

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