Chapter Twenty-Eight

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(TW- abuse and cursing)

"Get your fucking ass inside" my father yelled, shoving me to the floor. I curled up while tears were forming again.

"Well look who's back" my mother said, looking down at me on the floor. I shuddered, scooting back away from her. She smiled, which wasn't a nice one. Her smiles are always wicked.

"I hope you enjoyed your little free time, because you're never allowed to step foot outside ever again. You understand?" I didn't answer, which caused her to kick me in my side. I screamed in pain, while I begged for her to stop. She didn't though, I just kept getting kicked over and over again.

I tried getting up but I just couldn't move. It hurt to much. "Please stop, that hurts" I sobbed. "You should've thought about that" my father joined in on kicking and hitting me. I curled up even more in attempt to protect myself.

"Look around" my father said, gripping my hair and pulling my head up. "There's no one here to save you. No one is going to come running to your rescue. Like they'd care anyway. You worthless piece of shit" he yelled, letting go of my hair only to punch me in the face. I didn't bother screaming because what's the point anyway.

All I could think about was I hope that Ivan would come and save me again. I just wanted to be back with him and away from them. And I realized now that with him, I truly was safe.

Out of the blue, the doorbell rang, and just for a second there, I was hopeful. But my hopes vanished once I saw some guy walk in that I randomly recognized. He grinned when his eyes landed on me. Then I remembered..

My nightmare. It was him. My nightmares were turning into reality and I can't explain how scared out of my mind I am right now.

I didn't even know what was going to happen. I just hoped whatever punishment I'm about to get, would be over with just as quickly as possible.

"So I see you finally found her" the guy said, amusement in his voice. I cringed in disgust as he eyed me up and down. They all chuckled, as they walked away from me and headed to the kitchen, leaving me in pain on the living room floor.

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