Chapter Twelve

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Making my way out trying to find him, I also kept looking around for something I could use to possibly escape. I got into the kitchen when I saw him leaning against the counter, reading what looks like a newspaper. That's a bit odd. Does anyone really read newspapers anymore?

I cautiously walked towards him letting him know I was done. He looked down at me and smiled a little. "Why don't you sit down" He lead me to the table, and we both sat down. I chose the seat way across from him. I still don't know what his motives are here and so I don't trust him. I still want to know what I'm even doing here to begin with.

So.." he trailed off, making me look at him. "I know you're wondering why you are here. And before I get into that, I just need to clear some things up first" he stated. I slumped down in my seat.

I don't like this. I don't want to be here. I don't understand this. What does he want from me? Am I just gonna be tortured even more than what my parents do?

My thoughts kept running wild.
I don't know what his intentions are and I'm scared to even find out.

He clapped his hands, causing me to jump in fear. My eyes widened, and my heart is racing. My heavy breathing is making it even harder for me to focus. I put my hand towards my heart trying to calm my breathing.

"Just calm down, you have nothing to be scared of. I swear I'm not gonna hurt  you or make you do anything that'll make you uncomfortable" he said calmly. I just nodded, my breathing finally going back to normal. He sighed before continuing on speaking.

"As I was saying, there's a few things you need to know" he said, getting up and moving closer to me. He grabbed my hand, and looked directly into my eyes as he continued.

"First of all, you can't escape. Well you can try all you want, but you will fail. Every window is unbreakable. There's only one door to the outside, and I have the key. I also have cameras everywhere so I'll know if you try anything" I just nodded, letting him continue speaking.

"Second, I don't want you talking back to me. If I say something you disapprove of, then kindly tell me" he stated, I nodded again."Okay" I whisper.

"Third important thing you should know, is that you're not allowed outside unless I'm with you. And if we go somewhere in public, then you are to be by my side at all times" I nodded once again. 

"And fourth, please don't act up.
That means no whining, no arguing, and no fighting. If I tell you to speak, you speak."he paused.

"And finally, these four things are basically rules that you must follow.
Do you understand?" He said sternly. I gulped "Yes" I said, nodding my head. He smiled.

"Good. Now, are you hungry?" He questioned getting up. "Just a little" I answered cautiously. He raised a brow, staring intently at me. "I-I don't eat a lot" I said shyly. "I see" is all he said before walking away towards the cupboard. After about ten minutes, he came back and put a plate infront of me. "I hope pancakes are okay" he said, handing me a spoon.

Funny fact, pancakes are actually my favorite. I nodded. "Thank you" I said before eating. After that, I was put back in the room I had woken up in, and him saying he's got to go somewhere but he'll check up on me in the morning.

So I layed in bed that night with my thoughts just scattered all over the place.

And the annoying part is, he never did tell me why I'm here..

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