Chapter Thirteen

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I didn't sleep at all due to me overthinking. My scattered thoughts have kept me from falling asleep. Plus the fact that I was a bit scared to. I just laid here staring at the ceiling wondering what's going to happen to me. I still want to know what it is that he wants with me. He says he's not going to hurt me or anything, but should I really believe that?

My own family was sweet in the beginning, and now look what happened. They turned out cruel, putting me through hell.

My mind just keeps going back to the same questions over and over again.

'Will I just be tortured even worse here?'
'Am I just here for his amusement?'
'Is he just pretending to be nice, only to hurt me like my family?'

I sighed, sitting up while bringing my knees up to my chest, and putting my head down. Like I always do. I thought about my parents and what they must be thinking right now. I know they're furious at the fact that I'm gone, and they most likely think I ran away.

If only that were true though..

I looked up as I heard someone clear their throat. Wait.. I didn't even hear him come in. I guess I must've been too caught up in my thoughts. I just stared blankly not knowing what to say. But I do know what I want to say. And I really hope that this time he answers.

"Sleep well?" He asked, sitting down on a chair in front of the bed. I stared ahead of me, not wanting to make eye contact. "No" I shook my head. From the corner of my eye, I saw him frown and then scrunch his eyebrows.

"How come?" He questioned. My gaze stayed focused on the wall ahead of me as I spoke. "Wasn't tired" I said, which was a lie. He raised an eyebrow as he just stared at me. Now is when I looked at him and asked him the same question that he's been ignoring.

"Can you please just tell me what I'm doing here? I just want to know why you kidnapped me" I spoke, you can hear the desperation in my voice. He sighed, before scooting his chair even closer to me. I just stared at him, waiting for an answer.

"Before I tell you, I just want you to know that you don't have to be scared or shy around me. Like I mentioned yesterday, I promise that I'm not going to hurt you or make you do anything you don't want to. You don't have to worry about anything. I don't have any bad intentions. I'm not like that." He paused, reaching for my hand.

"I know what you've been through. I-" before he could say anything else, I interrupted him." What do you mean?" He let out a sad sigh. "I heard, and saw" my eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he continued. "I know that your parents have been abusing you. And I know you don't deserve that, so for awhile I've been planning on getting you out of there and away from them. So that's why you're here. For me to keep you safe" he finished, his eyes locked on mine.

At this point I was completely speechless.

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