Chapter Eleven

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I woke up to a pounding headache. Putting my hand on my head, I gasped as I sat up. My eyes wandering around the room I'm in.

This isn't mine..

It's a small room, with a tiny bathroom. The walls are cream colored, and the floor is concrete. There's a small window at the top, but it's unreachable. I look down at the bed I'm on, seeing it's a twin size bed, with light blue bed sheets that match the pillows. I look around some more until my eyes stop in the corner of the room. Over by the door, is a pink duffle bag. My duffle bag. How?

Curious, I cautiously walk over to the bag and opened it, my eyes widened as I'm looking. A lot of my clothes are in here. Next I go to the door and try to open it. Unfortunately, it's locked.

Great. I suddenly hear foot steps so I quickly zip the bag back up, and run to the bed. I sat with my knees up to my chest and my head down, not wanting to see the person who kidnapped me.
The door opened, and seconds later I heard a voice speak.

"Someone's finally up" the guy said, chuckling. I remained still, too afraid to move or look up. But unfortunately though, I was forced to look up. I squeezed my legs tighter as he sat down next to me, and lifted my chin up to make me look at him. His eyes showed some kind of emotion that I couldn't read. His lips formed into a small smile. For a kidnapper, he is pretty attractive. But all I could think about was why did he take me. Why me? What'd I do?

"What am I doing here?" I finally gathered up the courage to ask. He just shook his head before answering.
"I'll answer that later. Right now, you need to get cleaned up" he said, grabbing my hand in attempt to pull me up. "No" I said, trying to pull my hand away from his. He sighed, but kept a firm grasp on my hand. "It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you, unless you make me mad" he calmly said, but I'm too scared to even listen. "Please let me go" I begged. He shook his head again, grabbing ahold of my wrist instead.

"Listen" he said sternly, causing me to stop. "I said I'm not going to hurt you unless you make me mad. Which right now you are" He glared, tightening his grip on my wrist. "S-sorry" I shuddered. He sighed, before letting go of me. "Follow me" he ordered. I did as told, not wanting to anger him. Who knows what he'd do. I certainly didn't want to. I followed him up to a room with a bathroom in it. My heart is beating so fast, it feels like it's about to pop out of my chest. He grabbed my wrist again and lead me into the bathroom.

"There's the shower, you can use whatever you'd like. There's a clean pair of clothes over here by the sink. Make sure you put your others in the hamper next to you. And there's a towel hanging up right there. Once you're done, come find me. There's some things I need to speak to you about" he stated. I nodded, following with an "Okay"

After that, he left closing the door behind him. I sighed, looking around. I walked over to the clothes he left for me. Still confused on how he even got them. But for some reason, a smile formed onto my face as I saw the outfit. My favorite black leggings with white lines going down the side of the legs. And my white long sleeve shirt that has a little black rose on left part of the chest area.

Looking up to make sure the towel was there, I quickly undressed and turned on the water. I showered for what seems like ten maybe fifteen minutes. Once I was dressed, I put the other clothes in the hamper like he said and opened the bathroom door, letting out another sad sigh as I walked out.

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