Chapter Eight

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After I got home, I darted into the kitchen and started preparing lunch. My parents weren't home, but I didn't mind. I liked it when it was just me in the house. It took me a half hour to finish and set the table. Once their food was ready, I put everything away, cleaned up the kitchen and went upstairs.

I grabbed my phone and carefully laid down on my bed, due to my stomach being bruised and still very sore. I let out a sigh of relief when my head hit the pillow. Constantly running back and forth, doing this and that really takes a toll on you.

I wish for once they'd take over and just give me a break. I'm honestly so tired of having to do everything for them. They call me lazy, but they're the ones treating their own child like a maid.

I sat up and walked over to my window, and started thinking again.

If I could get the chance to just run away, I'd run very far from here and be free from them.

If only though.

Hours passed of me just sitting by my window, thinking. I hadn't even noticed it was raining outside. When I sat down, it was sunny. Normally by this time I'd be rushing out to prepare dinner. But luckily for me, I don't have to.

My prayers were answered when I was told my parents are staying over at a friend's house so I finally get a break for once. They're not gonna be back until two o'clock tomorrow. Lunchtime.

So I planned on getting some extra sleep and then waking up an hour early to get lunch ready for them.

Well it was a perfect plan, and it could've worked, if I wouldn't have been so dumb and forget to set my alarm..

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