Chapter Five

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The next morning, was absolutely hell. I got woken up early due to my phone constantly going off. It put me in a bad mood because I was tired, and just wanted to sleep a little longer before I have to deal with them. So now I'm up and moody. All because of the unknown number that keeps on messages me.I got like over five texts from that person.

Unknown: Goodmorning beautiful

A couple minutes after that..

Unknown: are you sleeping, or just ignoring me?

A minute later..

Unknown: answer me

And a minute after that..


And so on. Rolling my eyes, I replied.

Me: Sorry, I was sleeping

After sending that, I put my phone down and got up. "Ugh" I groaned. Well since I'm forced awake, I guess I'll just get ready for the day. I showered, got dressed and then rushed down to the kitchen to make breakfast. As I'm getting ready to put plates down, my mom grabbed my hand making me almost drop them. "You need to eat" she said, scrunching her eyebrows.

Just as I thought she was actually being nice for once, I was wrong. "We don't need you passing out or us having to worry about taking you to the hospital" she spoke again. I just nodded. "Can I eat in my room?" I questioned cautiously. She just rolled her eyes. "I don't care, just as long as you come back down here once you're done to clean up" I nodded, running up the stairs and bringing my plate to my desk and eating, enjoying the the quiet and comfort of my bedroom.

About fifteen minutes later, my plate was finished. I drank some water that I keep on my desk and then exited my room. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I saw my parent's plates just left there for me to wash. So after that's done, I walked back into my room. I stopped and stared into the living room.

Funny how I used to be able to just sit on the couch with them and watch TV.
Of course that was when I was around five or six years old. I miss those times.

My thoughts got cut off when I felt someone shove me. I looked over and frowned. It was my father. "What the hell are you doing just standing around? go back to your room" he said annoyed.

So that's exactly what I did. I darted up and plopped down on my bed. But just as my head hid the pillow, I was out like a light.

Which wasn't the best move because I was brutally forced awake..

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