Chapter Two

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By the time lunch was ready, I had the table set and ready for everyone. By 'everyone' I mean my parents. I had two other siblings that were slightly older than me but they were lucky and got to move out. I'm the unlucky one and is just a maid that they don't have to pay.

Once the food was dished up, I put a cover over the plates and began washing the pans and spatulas.

After that, I ran up to my room. I was always supposed to wait until they're done eating before I can eat. But I didn't care about food. All I cared about was wanting to be back in my room away from everyone. For some reason, I just feel safe in here. Like it's my safe place.

As I'm staring out the window, I couldn't help but notice a hooded figure hiding in the corner by a tree. It looks like they were staring up towards me but I can't really tell. I tilted my head to the side, confused as the figure just stands there. I wanted to just open my window and ask something like, 'can I help you'
but my thoughts get interrupted as my door goes flying open.

I turned around seeing both my parents standing by the doorway. My dad walks up to me, his hands in fist. I looked over towards my mom and she only raised a brow.

Great, what is it now?

"Yes fa-" before I could finish, his fist connected to my face. I felt blood drip from my lip as he had punched the corner of my mouth.

I held my sore mouth as I looked up, holding back tears. "What'd I do?" I questioned quietly. They both shook their heads. "It's what you didn't do" my dad spoke."You think I'd just let the fact that you selfishly forgot to make breakfast slide?" He chuckled. "I'd think twice before messing up again" he threatened. I jumped again when the door slammed shut.

I sat on my bed and brought my knees up to my chest. Still holding my now swollen face, I let the tears fall. From the corner of my eye, I noticed the hooded figure from earlier was still standing there. I got up and walked to the window just as I saw them look up at me and walk away. I sighed, laying back down on my bed. I just keep thinking about that person.

Who was that?

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