But if I never whimpered when Negan grabbed my chin then Daryl wouldn't of hit him. Negan wouldn't have taken him and made him go through what he did if it wasn't for me.

"Dani." He snaps, startling me out of my thoughts. "This ain't on you." He snarls. I wipe at my tears. "I didn't think I would get you back. The way he was talking-"

Daryl frowns down at me as a jealous look crosses his face. "He seemed to really take a likin' to ya." He says carefully.

I gulp because it's true. Negan has taken a liking to me, for what I don't know. "Yeah, really likes tormenting me." I say instead because I don't think Daryl knows just how much Negan does like me.

"He told me." Daryl growls. "I thought-" he starts to say but stops and takes a deep breath. "I was worried too. I kept waitin' for 'em to drag ya back there and use ya to torture me."

"When he brought the boys back, all I kept saying to him was for him to shove everything he was saying where the sun doesn't shine." I say proudly. Daryl snorts and shakes his head. "You're somethin', ya know that?" He says chuckling.

"Something." I agree smirking up at him. He pulls me against his chest once more and pecks the top of my head. I squeeze him before I move to sit on the wall.

It was finally dawn when Daryl joins me and drops down to sit beside me. His eyes red with exhaustion and he leans his head against my shoulder. "I'll keep watch." I promise in a low whisper. He makes a noise of agreement in the back of his throat and closes his eyes. He drops of to sleep immediately.

I've got you baby.


Daryl's POV

I don't know how long I was asleep for, not too long. I jerk awake ready to fight but Dani's small, warm hand covers mine squeezing softly. I look around and remember I'm at The Kingdom.

I swipe a hand over my eyes, they're still gritty and burning. When I look at Dani, she's gazing at me with a soft smile but watching me carefully. I nod to her to let her know I'm okay. We both climb to our feet and I try not to groan feeling stiff and sore.

We both climb down the wall and our spot is immediately taken by one of Ezekiel's people. He must of made some arrangements. I don't like that he's people was watching us but it does make me feel better about his security.

Dani stretches her arms above her head, the
T-shirt she's wearing pulls up revealing a smooth expanse of her stomach. I tear my eyes away from her. What ever the hell is going on in my head gets a lot quieter when I let myself get lost in her but Rick needs us right now. I won't let myself hide, I'm stronger than that.

We reach the group the same time as Ezekiel. He smiles at all of us and I don't like it. He's putting on an act and things are too serious for that.

The residents of The Kingdom all come out and start going about their day. Most going to work in the gardens as others take up places at the target practices.

"This is life here." Ezekiel begins gesturing around us. "Every day. But it come at a cost." He says gravely. "And I wanted more of this. I wanted to expand. Create more places like this...men and woman lost their limbs, children lost their parents because I sent them into battle against The Wasted when I did not need to."

"This is different." Rick says firmly, stepping forward. He seems to understand this is his last chance to convince Ezekiel to help us. "It isn't." Ezekiel replies with absolute certainty.

I glance over at Dani and she's watching Ezekiel carefully. Her lips are pressed into a grim line and I can see she isn't happy with what she's seeing.

"It is." Rick argues stepping closer. "The dead don't rule us. The world doesn't look like this outside your walls. People don't have it as good, some people..." Rick drags off. "Some people don't have it at all."

The Walking Dead: Danielle GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now