chapter 18

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Their eyes glued to the direction that leads to the mountains. 

"Shall we call everyone?" Niki asks.

"We should check first. Taki? What do you smell?" Jungwon asks and looks at the wolf.

Taki stepped a bit forward to the trees while Niki and Jungwon followed behind him. The wolf sniffed into the air and only a few seconds later…


"Who came?!" Jay exclaimed and aggressively dropped the pressboard he was holding back to the counter.

One of the staff ran to him announcing about an unexpected VIP guest.

"I will greet the guests. Call everyone to the lobby now!" He ordered before he ran past the staff towards the gate.

On his way there he met with Ningning since she was also near when the news arrived. The two can also sense the presence of their guests the closer they get to the gate.

By the time they arrived there, they were surprised to meet Niki, Taki and Jungwon. Along with the few members of the primes.

Jake and Ningning immediately greeted them politely and led them inside the lobby. Heeseung and the rest of their crew were already there and also gave their greetings.

"This is unnecessary. Aren't we past this kind of relationship? We've fought together!" Blue says and ushers them to stop the gestures.

"It's an honor to have you in our hotel again. We will make sure that you will have a wonderful stay." Heeseung said to them with his most wide smile.

Karina and Winter who only saw the primes for the first time somehow feel odd. Especially Karina and she couldn't help but keep glaring at Heeseung because she had never seen him smile like that.

"Oh please. Stop with the fluttery. We're actually here with some news." Rhian chuckles and looks at Blue with a cheeky smile.

"Exactly, but I believe this news is better shared when K and his pack are also present!" The angel added.

"Absolutely. Sunghoon and I will go there right away to send them the news. Please excuse us." Ningning said politely and beckoned the said vampire to leave with her right away.

"In the meantime, you can wait in your rooms. Or you can stay where you prefer." Heeseung said.

"I'm honestly famished. We figured that we could have dinner here instead." Coleen spoke and then looked up to Trevor while clinging onto his arms.

Trevor had been watching Winter and Karina since he and Rhian were first to notice that they're humans inside a monster hotel.

"They're humans. Winter and Karina. Right?" Rhian finally asks and both the ladies looked a bit flustered upon hearing their names.

"Yes. This is Winter, my wife. And Karina, Heeseung's girlfriend." Jake introduces and both the two made their greetings.

"Hello. Do you mind joining us for dinner? I would invite your vampire friends too but I believe we don't have the same appetite." Coleen said to them followed by light giggles.

"Not a problem." Winter agrees right away.

"Perfect. Then you boys can accompany me to hunt. My Blue wants to save his energy and I'm thirsty. We might also meet the wolves on the way too." Rhian suggested.

Winter and Karina decided to bring Coleen, Trevor and Blue to the restaurant inside. It was a place specifically built when the vampires' human friends worked there in the first years after the hotel was built.

A Tale of Vampires: RETURNNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ