"What is it?"

"A favour... a military favour," she murmured.

"Military favour? Why?" He asked.

"You know my people are disappearing and those who you have brought back said they were kept in captive here. I had to come here to find the rest, I went to about five dungeons and caves only to find it empty with only traces of their presences. I wanted you to help me find them with your military influence." She swallowed, flustered to what she was about to share. "But something else came yesterday morning and made me re-evaluate my choice." Nakshathra leaned against the pier where the torch stood. The warmth from the fire helped her beat the chilly air.

"What was it... on the note?"

She handed him the note from a pouch tucked in her waist band safely unaffected from the rain.

Want you people safely sent home? Be the bride to the crown prince.

Dhruva skimmed through the two-line note over and over again until he dropped his hands to his sides. "No," that was all he said and the silence filled in along with the heavy pouring rain.

"Why... why not?" she asked at last unable to process his simple curt reply. "We have to do this or I'll never get to bring them back to their families."

"I can't because I will deliberately be putting your life in danger. What could it mean by this." He flashed the note in front of her.

"It's just one life in return for thousands of other innocents. We have no choice, Dhruva."

"We don't?" He asked, eyes burning in anger and in fear. "Why do you think I ended things between us in Koshilkoot even before we had a chance? Because I fear the worst. Had things been good between our kingdoms I would have asked your hand in marriage long ago. I don't want to agree to this deal just to make your life miserable."

Life had been quite unfair, Nakshathra thought to herself. She had always wanted to live long with someone she chooses for herself but never once she imagined it would come to a point where she tries to strike a deal with the man of her choice for an unpredictable life ahead.

"Then forget about the miserable part, let's just do it. That woman has the lock and this marriage is the key, Dhruva." Part of her couldn't believe she had to plead but does she have any other choice? If there was, Nakshathra waited to hear it.

"This is wrong, it's not fair to put you through this," he argued, fingers racked through his wet hair.

"It's not fair for the thousands of people too...," she debated. "I think I am ready to sacrifice myself for my people. They have given up their sixteen years of life to let me grow as to who I am today, its time I pay them back. If not, I'll continue to live in guilt till, I die."

"We will find another way, Nakshathra. I am sure this isn't the only option we are left with. I'll find a way both you and your people will not be harmed anymore," he argued and held her hand in his in attempt to buy more time.

While the prince of west and the princess of east engrossed in their argument over Nakshathra's bargain. Not so far from the bridge behind a large old tree stood Alli in her cloak and a man with his hands tied in a chain, other end of the metal links was secure in Alli's hand.

"If you do this, you and your friends get to earn a day's full meal for your families or else you will never see them again," Alli said as she tucked the chain.

The man with hollowed eyes, skinny hunched body she had tied in chains nodded. Alli had made a deal with the man she had found long back, one from the mystical land who said to have powers of the lightning. Follow my instruction and I'll keep you family safe.

Dhruva Nakshathra - The Game of Alliance ✔Where stories live. Discover now