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Sikva, Kavish

What an eventful day it had been for the entire city of Sikva. In the morning the palace had witnessed one of a goosebumps worth rebuke from the youngest princess of Kavish and in the afternoon a remarkable duel between the princess of Kavish and prince of Pareen. The news of Princess Nakshathra declining the marriage alliance had spread like a wildfire all around Sikva and sparked debates among the commoners. The announcement had the citizens leave everything they were doing to reach the palace.

Soon the news of her challenge with prince Abhimanyu surfaced among the crowd and they reached to the training ground too. Despite not knowing the reason behind her declination, the crowd cheered for their princess's victory. The blazing afternoon sun raised the heat on the ground but they did not deter to leave the ground. Each one was seen fanning themselves and wiping their sweat all the while anxiously waiting to witness the duel.

"Nakshathra, are you sure about this?" Nathan asked her for the tenth time as he helped her check on her sword and tighten her armour.

"I am, Nathu. Didn't I tell you; I have had someone check for me on Abhimanyu's sword skill. It's average. But that doesn't make me any greater, I'll try my best to win. I must win." Nakshathra adjusted her outfit made fit for duels as such, a fitting knee length top which flared from the waist and dhoti to cover her legs.

Nakshathra wasn't proud of herself but confident, she still had some doubts on being defeated by Abhimanyu then she thought about Dhruva for a second, he had popped in her head for the first time in the last two days. If she needed to reach him and find her missing people, she had to defeat Abhimanyu first. "Just one round, Nakshathra. Finish it in a blink."

The rule was simple, the first to draw blood, wins.

She took her stance, front foot facing her opponent and back foot turned sideways so, did Abhimanyu. They circled within the boundary line with their swords pointed at each other until her opponent ran out of patience.

Abhimanyu closed the space between them in two big strides. Nakshathra pivoted on her heel to the side and blocked his strike with her sword. The first clash of the blades erupted the arena with applause. Abhimanyu smirked, acknowledging her skill with a tilt of his head.

They stepped backwards, circling closer to each other than before. Nakshathra spun her sword forward and lunged. Sword clashed on sword. Abhimanyu grabbed hold of her wrist while her other hand held her blade. their swords crossed before each other. He pushed her back with force towards the boundary line.

Her back foot was closing in to the line and once its out, she loses. Nakshathra pushed forward with all her strength but they physicality did not match each other. She was falling behind. The smirk returned on his face. "Quit now and we can happily live in my palace. I promise I'll not see another woman than you," he whispered.

"That. Will never. Happen." Nakshathra found more strength from within and shoved him with a short, loud groan.

"What if I win?" A clangour of swords.

"What if you don't?" She thrust at him. He evaded her strike by an inch of his waist.

"I'll make sure I do." Abhimanyu shoved her sword away. "I make you pay for that one embarrassing moment you have cost me."

"Then I'll be sure you won't." If he thought by provoking her, he would disturb her concentration then he was wrong.

He swung at her. Now with more force, she realised. And he swung again. Nakshathra countered and the duel carried on with no exchange of words—in earnest.

This duel was no joke to her, she had to win at all cost. She had put her life at stake. This was no practice, no retrial, no reconsideration. And this challenge to win her life back got intense.

Dhruva Nakshathra - The Game of Alliance ✔Where stories live. Discover now