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Sikva, capital city of Kavish

"Hold on. Hold on." Nakul stopped Parthiban in the mid of his narration to ingest the information his brother shared. "Are you telling me that we have uninvited guests from Durja? The prince of Durja?" he asked, stressing the meaning of his question word by word.

"The crown prince of Durja," Nathan corrected despite being equally surprised.

"Yes, the crown prince of Durja and three of his guards or maybe friends are here," Parthiban nodded in respond to his brother's apprehension.

Nakul crossed the length of his chamber, anxious for the unexpected presence of the prince from the foe land. "And you have let him stay here without sending him out of Kavish even after learning who he is?" The eldest prince's eyebrows furrowed in a scowl, strongly disapproving Parthiban's action.

"I would have fight and send him out but I saw the sincerity in his eyes. I chose to hear him out."

The eldest of them all settled on a chair by the table, rested his elbow on his thigh and entwined his fingers together—calming his perturbed mind. The events of which might follow with the presence of Durja prince in their land engulfed him in a trepidation.

"So, why is he here and how did he get in Kavish?" asked Nathan, fetching the torch that was brought by the palace guard and assent him. The retired sun shone its last bits of rays as Nathan illuminated the chamber, lighting the torches hung on the wall and in the central pit of the chamber.

"He claims to have found a few of our missing people by the border of north Durja. And he intends to send them back to their families but with no travel documentation to prove their citizenship he couldn't do it naturally," Parthiban recounted Dhruva's intention.

"So, he came here to speak to us personally to make us understand the situation?" Nathan concluded, still holding the torch.

Parthiban nodded and slid his eyes from Nathan to Nakul. Nakul remained silent in contemplation, his shoulders tensed and eyes focused on nothing on the floor. He presumes his brother was in a dilemma, the recent events had taken up their energy; first Nakshathra and Abhimanyu then the new problem at the east garrison and now with return the missing people escorted by prince of Durja. He feared he would witness a similar phase of Nakul just as Nakshathra. Mincing across the room, he held Nakul's shoulder and gave a firm grip.

"Don't dwell in those thoughts, Nakul. It does no good."

"What is your plan, Parthi?" The oldest of them asked.

"I'm waiting for him to confirm on their arrival and once they are by the border gate, I'll go with him. The verification part is the most important procedure, I intend to do it myself. They have given me the names of the men they claim to be citizen of Kavish. I'll be checking on the missing list to tally the names." Parthiban poured a glass full of water from the pitcher and gulped its content at once.

"You know, I worry too much these days. There is a sudden dispute blown up at the east garrison. Reports are coming against the mayor for loathing the people's possession yet there are no evidences. I should be there but here I am, thanks to father," Nakul resigned with a sigh. Although, general Pasupathi had gone to the east representing the crown prince and keeping him updated with the situation, it was nothing like being there in person.

Nakul continued to pour out his frustration to his brothers. "Why? Because Abhimanyu is coming and father wants all of us to be there to receive him. For what?" he shook his head, his face scrunched in annoyance. "He wants Nakshathra to marry Abhimanyu, the spoilt brat. Then there is prince of Durja whom someone had fed into Nakshathra that she needs to consider marrying him to retrieve our lost people. My worries are so interrelated."

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