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"Have you told Nakshathra about Abhimanyu?" Ahalya had asked Parthiban the first thing in the morning. They hadn't spoken much about her brother's visit to Kavish nor did she want to discuss about it. It was wrong for her to hide important matter about his sister but she had to do it to protect the alliance from breaking before it even comes together.

With a few more days left for Abhimanyu to be in Sikva, all she wanted was her husband not to spoil her plan of getting Nakshathra married to Abhimanyu. For that, she had to make sure he says nothing about it to Nakshathra. For all she knew, her sister-in-law had the capabilities to turn the table even in the last minute.

"Have appa decided to tell Nakshathra or not? If yes, I'll do the honour of telling her the news right away." Parthiban moved about getting ready for the morning prayers in a deliberate rush. Each time they had a conversation it always ends up in an argument. This time Parthiban was sure of another one coming before the sunrise.

"No, he hasn't said anything yet. Attai wants to tell Nakshathra regarding Abhimanyu herself." Ahalya noted Parthiban's halt for a moment, his hands clenched into a fist.

"And when will that be?" He snapped, his voice and face displayed nothing but annoyance. Frustrated at the way things were being conducted in the palace especially from his father who also rules the land. "After everything is over?"

Ahalya shifted her weight on either of her feet unable to meet Parthiban's piercing gaze. For all she knew, Parthiban was ever ready to stop the marriage talk for he disliked Abhimanyu, a reason many knew. The reluctant king had ordered his wife and the rest not say a word to Nakshathra, knowing she wouldn't simply agree and follow his words like his other children.

"We are afraid she might rebuke this alliance, like she does for every other issue that she doesn't like."

"What do you expect her to do when she is asked to do things she doesn't want to be pulled into?" He retorted closing the gap between them with his menacing gaze. "Will you, do it? If you father orders you to marry someone you don't have a tiny bit of liking?"

"Parthiban, I just need one help from you. Don't speak a word about Abhimanyu till he gets here. I'll appreciate your help." Ahalya turned away to avoid any arguments, she headed to the door. "If you are not aware, the king had given word to my father and even if Nakshathra doesn't like it, she will have to accept it to honour her father's words." Ahalya left and slammed the door behind her.

Parthiban stared at the closed door for so long, he wanted to punch it hard to let go of his raging anger. "Did she really think Nakshathra would agree just because appa had gave his words to get her married to Abhimanyu?" He huffed, pacing to a window in his chamber. "Nakshathra isn't like me. She will retort and I'll support her even if I have to lose you, Ahalya."

Parthiban's conversation with his wife replayed in his mind as he stayed sleepless for the night. In some time, Abhimanyu and his procession will set foot into Sikva fort and which began to elevate the tension within him. Has Nakshathra and his brothers come up with a plan to stop the talk or will his sister agree but it's unlikely of her to do the latter. Parthiban prayed to all the gods he knew to stop the marriage.

The prince of Kavish gazed up at the dark sky with orange patches here and there. The dawn seems to not want to make its presence to the world yet its schedule demanded its coming. Likewise, Parthiban wished Abhimanyu doesn't make it and returns to Pareen but here he was escorting the prince of Pareen to Sikva.


Sikva, Kavish

Nakul and Nathan followed Nakshathra to the Durga temple before they check on the preparation for the Festive of Rati. In the early morning, the temple was already bustling with devotees for their morning prayer before they begin their day. Some local folks gathered around the Heramba siblings and greeted them with all smiles, spoke about the preparation and also shared a few problems which needed some fix.

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