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The sun shone like that of blood as it set for the day. Outside Utpala, Nakshathra and Prithvi waited to welcome the help she had asked weeks ago. The kitchen workers in Utpala had turned to work immediately to prepare meals for the guests. While the Yamilvas were spotted at the bridge crossing the lake, Prithvi asked, "How are they twice as big as us?" His stared agape.

"Because they are not normal like us. They are Yamilvas, gifted with divine powers who can manipulate earth. They come from the mystical land, Kamakshya. I believe they need a lot of energy to do that and that's the reason they are big in size," Nakshathra said though she knew nothing about the reason for their size.

Soon, the four Yamilvas reached Utpala. Toisara stepped forward, his staff in one hand, he greeted Nakshathra with a warm smile. His appearance had changed a little, she noticed. Moustached have grown longer, lines around his mouth and at the sides of his eyes deepened and his eyes appeared tired. "Was the journey too tiring, Toisara?" she asked, leaning against the pillar to support her weakening limbs.

"Not so much, Your Highness," he replied. "Things are not doing well back at home."

"In Gupagam?"

"In Varmohin. Our Sacred tree is being disturbed and so are our powers." His gaze locked on Naksahthra's worried ones. "Don't worry, we are still as strong as ever. Just people over there need some attention. Once we are done here, some of us will be heading there."

"Are you sure, Lord Toisara? Prithvi asked. "Perhaps you should attend to it first."

Toisara wafted his hand in the air.

"We are fine. It will take a lot of time before they completely harm the tree," said one of the three men behind Toisara. He had a long wood coloured braided hair brought to the front, his chest length beard was tied at the chin and he was large, of course like the rest of them. "I am Naroha, by the way." Naroha placed his right palm on his chest and bowed.

"Right, and this is Nortasvan and Nevan." Toisara introduced the other two men who all looked similar to each other. "We apologise for taking a long time to reach."

Nortasvan and Nevan greeted them and turned towards the bridge in unison. Far on the other side of the lake, Dhruva marched with his four Yujyagana. As a normal human, neither she nor Prithvi could have such sharp hearing and by this they had proven they were indeed blessed with powers.

"How did you know there were people on the other side?" Prithvi asked in curiosity.

"The vibration travels through earth. It differs to humans and animals," Nevan said. "It helps us detect if the approaching people are dangerous or harmless. Each footsteps sends different kind of wave."

Prithvi nodded. "Interesting."

While they were conversing, Nakshathra could hear not a thing. A deafening silence and hazy vision blanketed her. Her body grew heavy and her limbs could no longer hold her. As she struggled to stand straight, Nakshathra's hand slipped and she stumbled to balance herself.

Just then several feet scampered to her direction and caught her from falling.


Shortly after they had all entered Utpala, Toisara asked, "You don't look well, are you alright?" All others gazed at Nakshathra. One particular appeared extremely worried.

"I'd like to say I am but I am not." She grabbed the cup of water Arunya had brought for her. "A sudden lethargic wave had hit me and I am gradually losing my strength. I am growing weaker." Her voice cracked but she managed to keep in check.

Dhruva Nakshathra - The Game of Alliance ✔Where stories live. Discover now