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Sikva, Kavish

"Why you'd said no when you eventually say yes?" Nakshathra asked, leaning against the parapet. Darkness spread ahead of them under the moonless sky.

They had torn away from their embrace, settled their emotions and kept them in check. Accepting the turn of events, they stayed in comfortable silence before Nakshathra broke it. She turned to him, her hand on her cheek elbow resting on the parapet.

"How am I to say yes when I know my choice will put you in danger." He scratched his brow. "Come to think of it, if I say no, I'll be pushing you into a graver danger. How am I to be in peace knowing you will be somewhere in the same country as I am being tortured by someone whom I am supposed to have caught." He shook his head. "I can't let that happen. No matter what I'll keep you safe with me as long as I can." Dhruva reached for her hand.

Her skin tingled at the touch along with a rush of butterflies and goosebumps. Oh, the same sweet sensation she experienced a while ago hit her. Has she become sensitive to touches? She thought but let it go and focused on the man in front of her. His brilliant eyes shone as they look into hers.

"I have constantly tried to push this away. Always thought an alliance as such might bring disaster to both the countries but I guess I was wrong." A corner of his mouth curled up. "I realised and did the needful."

Nakshathra nodded; a smile crept up on her face. "I know and I was told you brought back some of my people this time too." Glancing up at the dark sky, her eyes glistened. "I never knew bringing happiness to those who put their faith on you can be so much joy. Just hearing about it gives me enough energy to fight for the rest." She rigorously shook her head in, concurring to herself. "For that, I'll forgive you," Nakshathra added after a thought.

Dhruva wiped off her tears and caressed the wound on her cheek. "You have got a scar," he said.

"I'll wear it with pride," she said, proudly. "Also, I think the healing dust in me is wearing out and before I use the remaining another time, we should move forward. The time Alli has given me is running out too." Nakshathra's demeanour changed; she switched her focus to their biggest mission.

With likeminded people around her, offering their support and strength, Nakshathra believe they would succeed without much of a trouble. However, she was also aware, a fight with a woman holding years long grudge won't be easy either, they will fall and they will get hurt. She prayed they accomplish it soon.

"What about the spy? Did you confront her?" He asked.

By the firm sound of his tone, Nakshathra knew he wanted her to stay away from the spy or better send the spy away but, she shook her head. "Not yet, I am keeping an eye on her. Most importantly, I think I found someone we can extract more detailed information."


She recalled spotting a lady sneaking behind the Shoolin army that day at the cliff. Immediately, Nakshathra assimilated her to be someone from Shoolin trying to enter Kavish as well. Quick on her feet, she caught the lady, knock her out and fortunately handed her over to one of her guards who came in search of her. Revanth had promised to keep the woman safe and hidden until Nakshathra asks about her.

"Not sure. Have not interrogated yet," she answered, her hands crossed across her chest. "I have a few things to do here before I check on the lady." Nakshathra checked the sky once again, black and spotless, her eyes growing heavy but soon it shot wide open.

She scratched her head and dived deep in thought. Dhruva watched her with curious stare. Nakshathra turned to him not long after. "There is one thing we should do before everything else."

Dhruva Nakshathra - The Game of Alliance ✔Where stories live. Discover now