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The dark sky should be regarded as a reward of a day long effort, to enjoy the calmness and dive into a world where dreams are made more beautiful.

An extract from Nakshathra's grandmother's stories stuck out in her head for a reason and it did not make her any calmer. The longer she stared at the palace from the bell tower the more anxious she grew. Nakshathra was nothing as how she was in the morning.

"What do I do?" She groaned, shaking her legs anxiously. The thought had run through her head for countless time since she got up the bell tower with Nathan and she found no answer. She had long disengaged fantasizing her future and as the day turned dark, reality begin to set in for her. The foreboding reality waited at the palace—a prospect groom chosen by the king, a door to a loveless and hatred filled future. If only she allowed it to happen.

"You know what, Achi, nights aren't for beautiful dreams alone. Nightmares rule equally under the cloak of the dark sky. And you were wrong, not everyone can enjoy the calmness when they are pushed into a whirlwind," she ranted in annoyance all on her own as she watched the lights in the palace lit brighter than usual.

Nakshathra gazed the dark sky, clouded with heavy clouds; thunders rumbled at a distance announcing its due arrival. Streaks of bold light flashed here and there, came lightning threatening for a heavy pour. Down in the street, some people who had camped outside the palace started to pack their stuffs and head back to their houses. On normal days, she would have loved to sit under the sky and bask in the nature but people in the palace might be searching for her and she wouldn't want them to get worried.

The guards assigned for her came into view as soon as she descended the bell tower, she nodded at them, signalling to return and continued in a lumber, taking the longest route to the palace. She had decline to get a cover for the rain and let the guards have it instead. The stroll along the empty residential sector helped her ease her overworked mind. At least this part of the city did not remind her of what waited for her back in the palace. Nevertheless, under soft drizzle, conversations she heard people had with their family pulled away the serenity she got some time ago. In the streets where one could hear soft murmurs of people talking in their houses, Nakshathra had the unfortunate privilege to hear her name amongst the many topics they spoke.

Some of the talks were on the kinds of benefits the people would get when the two kingdoms were bonded once again in a formidable alliance. During prince Parthiban and Princess Ahalya's wedding, the subjects of Kavish were gifted with silk sarees and silk dhotis straight from the heart of silk producers, the Pareen. They also provided free rations for needy families, alms for the poor and gifts for the holy men for a week to mark the new beginning between the kingdoms. A joyous moment for the people.

With pinched lips, Nakshathra nodded to her guard who request her to disregard what she heard. "They are just looking for a way to ease their difficulties. Don't think they are being selfish," one of them said.

"I know, Janardan. Fortune like that often a dream to many poor families and I don't blame them. I understand. How can I expect them to know what I know about him?" She whispered to the guard next to her and marched past him.

Out of many people in her life, her guards know most of the things and often act as her friend and guide when needed. They don't always poke their noses in her matter but the arrival of prince Abhimanyu had them all agitated likewise, looking to find a way out for their princess. Janardan quickened his pace and walked in line with Nakshathra, "Do you need any help, Devi?" he asked.

"For what, Janardan?"

"Apologise for talking on this matter, Your Highness. We are, worried... you might be stuck in a bad marriage if it's to prince Abhimanyu, you are going to get married. So, we thought..." Janardan briefly glanced at the other three guards and continued. "Either we get rid of him or help you out of here. That way we can delay the proceedings and eventually stop the alliance," He suggested and let Nakshathra to have a thought on it as they stood in the middle of the street. Droplets of water from the drizzle dripped from the tips of their hair.

Dhruva Nakshathra - The Game of Alliance ✔Where stories live. Discover now