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Mahina, capital city of Durja

The city bathed in the glorious evening sunlight; each building shone like that of gold. Vegetation fields glowed in luscious green, river glinted under the sun rays. The last time she arrived to the city, it was dark and cold. Durja was in its monsoon season back then which was only a couple of weeks ago.

She knew being anxious did not make her feel any better but it gave her a kind of strength to find an end to the long impending episode of revenge. An ending both she and Dhruva deserved. Nakshathra peeped through the small window from the ratha vimana. A large amount of people gathered outside the palace gate to welcome their prince and his consort. Along with the people, a heavy number of retainers were seen controlling the crowd.

"Do you think the people of Durja will accept me as their crown prince's wife?" She asked subconsciously fidgeting with the gold bangles her mother had given her.

Dhruva grab hold of her hand and gently pulled her away from the window. "They have to for they have no other option. You are my wife and I am bringing you back as my princess. My people need to accept the choice I make for myself." He patted the back of her hand. "They will soon realise the opportunities this union will give them," he said referring to the job and economy opportunities to come from Kavish.

The ratha vimana landed somewhere inside the palace compound and they were brought to the palace entrance in a golden carriage. Hails to the crown prince were lauded with rain of flowers showered on them as they made their way to the palace where the maestro of their story, Kumudhavalli stood with big forced smile on her bright red lips at the front entrance of the palace. Nakshathra maintained her composure with limited smile and gaze sharp enough to pierce through Kumudhavalli.

Alli was simply a disguise Kumudhavalli had given herself to smartly avoid the queen's name from being tarnished. While she orchestrated atrocity to Kavish under the cloak of Alli, she had created a new image for the queen as a forlorn daughter who had abandoned the idea of revenge on her father's death. Kumudhavalli had been highly praised for being considerate and humane to not harm the people and chose peace without a war. People of the country had been living in a delusional image Kumudhavalli had fed them all the while.

Nakshathra's encounter with Kumudhavalli was short and crisp, neither one gave away their knowledge of what each other knew and made everything all the more interesting. The former was amazed at how well Kumudhavalli pretended to be the pious, soft and considerate queen in front of the king and the courtiers. As the new couple were ushered into the temple for a short prayer, the queen was seen enthusiastically preparing and overseeing the ceremony it ended.

"You are officially the Yuvarani of Durja," Kumudhavalli said soon after the ceremony completed. "I believe you would stay by Yuvaraja's side and play your part well towards the subjects of Durja."

"With earnest, Your Majesty," Nakshathra replied with a smile.

"I hope nothing less. You must be tired. I'll have the attendants to escort you to your chamber. Take rest and be ready for the evening celebration we have organized for both of you," Kumudhavalli said and cupped Dhruva's cheek, lovingly.

"We'll see you later, Your Majesty." Dhruva bowed to the queen and the king beside her and placed a hand behind Nakshathra's back.

"I have prepared Yuvarani's palace at the ladies' quarters. I hope you'll like my arrangement," she beamed and sent them off on the carriage.

The carriage rolled on a smooth platform through large and medium sized buildings, some of which were houses of the courtiers while others were ministers' and administrative offices. They made several turns to the left and to the right, it made her difficult to read the roads. Nakshathra shook her head, how was she suppose to navigate herself in such a big palace, she thought as she curiously watched.

Dhruva Nakshathra - The Game of Alliance ✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat