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Theavanam, South border of Lambodara

Not being the loudest or the most prominent Minister of Housing and Local Govern, Ranganathan's absence in the procession never mattered nor noticed. Keeping a low profile and maintaining close to no camaraderie with other royal household members was an advantage. His reticence had provided him the enclosure he needed to slip away from the convoy heading to Mount Gaja.

A smile stretched across his lips, his eyes finding calmness in the foliage sheltering them from the afternoon sun and from the smell of wet moss as the chariot shook excessively from effect of going through the potholes on the tracks. They had left the procession a couple of days ago, he had to be somewhere else in order to keep his plan going.

Crossing the thick jungle with short breaks in between for the horses, Ranganathan and Udumban reached a clearing at the border of Lambodara. A building made of timber with two-storey high stood with the tall and thick trees framed the back of the timber house. Chitra Athitigrha, the name was written on a piece of plank in charcoal. Rows of rare jungle flowers called Alinasita of Theavanam, in the shades of the sea greeted them in full bloom as cheerful as Ranganathan. The master and his servant disembarked from the chariot and headed to the guesthouse.

"Good evening, noble sir. My name is Kannapan, I am pleased to welcome you to our humble guesthouse. We have comfortable rooms for each of you, sire. Would you like to have a look?" A lean man in his early thirties greeted and offered their available service.

"You are newly employed?" Ranganathan asked.

"Yes, noble sir. It's been a month."

Ranganathan surveyed the interior of the clean and pristine guesthouse. A simple abode with fancy decorations on its wall coming from various part of the nation, a long corridor leading to many rooms and a staircase to the floor above. Smell of roasted spices wafted in the air; he inhaled the spice infused air and a smile spread on his lips. It has been quite some time since the last he visited the cottage and had the food prepared by the excellent cook as the owner, Chitramala.

"Chitramala, isn't here?" asked Ranganathan eager to see the lady after months.

"Devi Chitramala is in the kitchen, sire. I'll send for her immediately. May I show you the room?" Kannapan guided Ranganathan to a room on the second floor. "Enjoy your stay, sire."

Ranganathan merely nodded and said, "Tell Chitramala that Ranganathan is here and arrange another room for him." He gestured to Udumban standing next to the guesthouse receptionist and closed the door.

"Smart boy," muttered Ranganathan as he ambled around the room. It was one of the biggest rooms available in the cottage and has been specifically altered for men like him—nobles.

Precisely, the same room where he spent hours planning for the downfall of the land which should have been his to rule. This had been the place where he found solace, many years ago. Memories of the past rekindled as he lay on the enormous bed, the soft cotton sheet sent him a reminder, the future will be kinder to him. He tried to fight against it but the past was worth paying a visit, he thought. As he closed his eyes, he allowed the past to flood him with memories.

His heart ached as he ran away from the palace as far as his now bruised feet could take him. He crossed kingdoms and thick jungle aimlessly heading towards the west. Forty days on foot through the jungle with no proper food nor shelter, he grew weaker. Forcing himself to stay alive with the remaining strength, he wobbled for another few days taking quick naps in between and finally stumbled upon a cottage after forty-seven days in the middle of the jungle, Theavanam. Pleading for mercy the family of six took him in their house and gave him a place to stay and food to eat without expecting anything in return.

Dhruva Nakshathra - The Game of Alliance ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon