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Sikva, capital city of Kavish

They had returned to Sikva ten days after the man had succumbed to the death. Disappointed and broken at the turn of events, she detained herself in her chambers longer than she did the last time. Neither did she went out of her room to the library like she did before nor did she meet anyone in her family. She had shunned everyone since her return. Deeply affected by the man's death, she found herself with no direction but one to retrieve her lost people. Yet she couldn't bring herself to go into a family that have been after her family's lives for so many years and worst, a life without love. Not a life she wished to live in.

Days turned into weeks and Nakshathra begin to taste the overwhelming of emotion killing her. Her day long staring at the vast sky watching it turn from blue to orangish-pink and back to darkness had eaten up the Nakshathra she once was; cheerful, carefree, playful and rebellious.

Tired of being gloomy, angry, miserable and depressed, her dull eyes fell on the set of letters laid on her side. Letters her brothers and her sisters-in-law have written and slid it under her door since she had locked herself in her room.

She took one of the letters written by her youngest sister-in-law, Malarvilli and went through it once again.

Come out Nakshathra. We miss you. The palace misses you and wishes to see you continue to rebel for the one thing you always went against.

Come out Nakshathra, we miss you. The library misses you and wishes to see you rest in its arms while you read. Isn't it something you love to do?

Come out Nakshathra, we have a long way to go and don't dwell into something you can't change. You don't have to do anything to please anyone, your brothers will take care of it. You don't need to take the burden to get the lost back. Just come out and live your life, little sister. Your little friends miss you too. You remember them, don't you?

Come out, we are waiting for you.

Nakshathra folded the letter into half, she too missed everything. She missed going out of the palace, playing with her friends, spending her time in the library and serving as a physician. Where did she miss the Nakshathra, she once was? Dragging herself to the mirror, she stared at her contrasting reflection, a depressed and lifeless girl.

"What are you trying to prove, Nakshathra? That you are the only one have problem in life? Stop behaving like its end of the world. Anni, was right. You need to get out. Get out! Get out!" Nakshathra screamed in agony, pulling her hair in the process.

Suffocation. Nakshathra was suffocating herself with her overthinking and unwanted prediction of her life. She wanted to run away, away from the palace, away from her responsibility and away from everyone. She rushed and tore the door open, startling the guards at the corridor. Nakshathra sprinted heading out of the palace.

Her feet carried her all the way to the river Smiti. She would have gone to her mother but seeing her in her current state might add to her mother's worry. The dawn was a sight to behold, she gazed at the setting sun as she made her way to find clarity and peace of mind.

At the riverside, far from the populated part of the river, she found herself a secluded space behind a huge tree. The fresh air, free streaming river, the sound of water burbling against the smooth rocks embraced her with its earthy nature. Sat against the tree, she closed her eyes to let her caged mind go free, forget everything that disturbed her sanity and be free once again. She wanted nothing to come between her peace and herself, not even her responsibilities given to her.

Nakshathra knew she was strong but the physical strength she displayed wasn't enough. She had to regain her mental strength, making it stronger, no matter how strong her opponent be, she should emit equal power.

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