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Mahina, Durja

When Prithvi joined his brother outside the arogyalaya after briefly speaking to her guards, Dhruva asked nothing to him. He remained quiet for the most part of the day despite Prithvi's non-stop blabbering. Among those chatters, he attempted to put some sense into Dhruva to accept the princess's proposal and at a point it became unbearable.

"I can't believe you luring me into agreeing to do this." Dhruva fumed, at last in the privacy of his bedchamber.

"Lure? Is that the best you can say? I helped you, not convinced but sort your thoughts for you. Clearly you already made a choice," Prithvi retorted, playfully.

What Prithvi said might be true but Dhruva turn adamantly concerned over Nakshathra's safety. "Oh right, you sorted my thoughts. And what was it?" He stood by the window and glance over his shoulder. "Retrieve the trapped Kavishians and second, marry the woman I love and protect her with my life." Dhruva recited Prithvi's statement from earlier that day.

He would undoubtedly die protecting her but why put her in the fire when they could avoid it? Dhruva contemplated at the grey horizon. Confusion circled his conscience denying everything he confessed to Prithvi few weeks back. "At this point I am not even sure what my feelings is for her."

"You literally gave your mother's dagger to her, Dhruva," exasperated Prithvi with a shake of his head.

Dhruva sensed Prithvi's annoyance on him and truthfully, he was on himself too.

"That... that was a..."

"What a mistake?" The young brother marched and pulled Dhruva to face him. "Dhruva, right now you just being annoying. If you don't love her then just help her out as a friend. Honestly, we both know the reason you are hesitating is because you are scared but why?"

"Why wouldn't I? We are not just talking about rescuing the people but encountering a lady with grudge, who also happen to have or might have a number of people to fight merely for what she pays them. At worst Nakshathra could lose her life," Dhruva asserted.

"But she had made the choice to play the vital part here, Dhruva. Your work is to support her. I know you want to do that but your fear is what stopping you." Prithvi let out a frustrated sigh. "Let's put it this way. What if everything ends up the way we want it? Safely retrieve the people and no one dies."

Although Dhruva's mind was yet to dissolve in accordance with Prithvi, his recollection of Nakshathra's teary eyes, pleading him for help finally did its work. He has to do it for her, no, for him at least or his conscience will kill him in the long run.

The next morning when the sun was seven fingers from the horizon, he jumped on his horse and galloped to Arana Square. He wanted her to know his decision before she leaves for Kavish but when he got there it was a tad bit late. Nakshathra had left the guesthouse at dawn without a word and that pushed Dhruva to take the next step to make way to achieve their goal.


"That's like my brother," beamed Prithvi as he shook Dhruva's shoulders in excitement.

The young prince was all bright and smile as if the brother had said yes to him and that led them to the king's office room. Behind the velvet curtain sat the king at the desk with the queen seated on the lounge along with her daughters and on the table before the queen set two fresh sets of cups ready for the brothers.

"My boys," the king exuberantly cheered. His arms spread wide and gestured both of them to take the seat in front of the desk.

The brothers exchanged glances and accepted the tea served by their sisters. In the history of the family, this had to be first ever gathering involving all the family members. It was nerve-wracking, to sit with his family and to discuss on the one thing he never imagined to do. Prithvi gave Dhruva's sweaty palms an assuring squeeze. His brother's backing gave him some strength to begin.

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