"Mmm mmm." He says shaking his head as though I smell good. "Dwight, what hardware did you pull off our sexy friend here? 'Cause it's pretty obvious to me she's a bit of a scrapper."

He was mocking me, I can see it. He's challenging me, trying to get a reaction.

Dwight clears his throat. "A handgun and ten knives." Negan goes still at that. And he's the first to break eye contact. His gaze goes to Dwight and then settles back on me with a new found interest.

Negan stares down at me for a long time, running his eyes over my face then down my body. He takes a step closer and looks over my shoulder.

He's looking at my shoulder harness.

Daryl struggles again behind me. That seems to pull Negans attention back to Dwight. Negan steps back as he addresses him. "And this didn't concern you?"

Dwight shrugs casually. "We pull knives off of everyone."

"Bring them to to me." Negan orders.

Simon appears and dumps my knives, claw and handgun at Negans feet. He smiles at me. "Nice to see you again gorgeous." Negan looks between me and Simon curiously while I glare at Simon. "How's the shoulder dipshit?" I ask sarcastically. He growls at me, literally.

"She's the girl that attacked you, isn't she?" Negan asks Simon. Simon nods walking backwards, not taking his eyes off me.

Negans looks at me, thoughtfully before he glances down and toes through my knives. He slowly raises he's eyes back to Dwight. "Yes you do pull knives off of everyone." He responds to Dwight's statement. "But, do you know what I see here? I see balanced knives, I see throwing knives, hell, I see fighting knives. Do you see her set up?" He asks gesturing to me dramatically with his hand.

Dwight pinches his lips into a thin line. "Did you Dwight?" Negans voice comes out harsher and I wonder when he went from tormenting me and Daryl to tormenting Dwight.

"Yes." Dwight replies looking at the ground.

"What was that? I didn't hear you." Negan glares at him as Dwight raises his head. "Yes, I saw it."

Negan nods. "But you didn't think that it was important to note that she carries a damn claw and has a spine sheath? That's not something you do because you think it looks badass, that's profession grade shit right here." Negan moves around once more and bends to pick up my gun. He checks the clip and lets out a whistle. "And a full clip!" He waves the gun around dramatically. "You found our sexy friend roaming the woods alone and she has a full clip and you don't think twice about pulling ten knives off of her and a damn claw? Tell me beautiful, who's right? Me or Dwight? How good are you?"

I don't say anything as I level him with a glare. Negan laughs as he bends down and snatches up one of my throwing knives.

So he does know what he's talking about.

"Stay." He commands me. He stalls over to Abrahams dead body and dips the top of Lucille in the blood. He walks over to a tree on the opposite side of the clearing, about 30 yards away and presses the blood against the bark.

He's making a goddamn target out of Big Reds blood.

I glance over at Daryl but his eyes are on Negan. Rick still looks in shock. Liam and Carl are gazing at me, worried. 'It's okay.' I mouth to both of them as I turn back to Negan.

He walks back over to where Dwight and I stand. "Dwight go point that arrow at her man's other shoulder. She fails to do anything I say you let 'er rip, you understand?" Dwight practically jogs over to Daryl.

The Walking Dead: Danielle GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now