ch 67 Date night

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A/n: short chapter.

At big green Lin was in his room meditating when he heard a knock at his door. Lin got up and walked to his door. When he opened it he was pleased to see his girlfriend Flora.

"Flora, how can I help you?" Lin asked.

"Well, its such a lovely night out tonight and I thought we could go for a stroll through the forest. Maybe do some stargazing as well, like a date night" Flora said.

"Sure, I'd love to" Lin said.

And so the two went on a moonlit stroll through the forest. They chatted as they held hands. Flora spotted an apple tree and walked to it. Putting her hands on the trunk she concentrated. The limbs lowered and Lin picked two apples from the branches. Lin handed Flora an apple and the two continued on.

Later on as they were walking Flora got a mischievous look on her face. She swiftly snatched Lin's hat and put it on her head.

"How do I look?" Flora asked posing.

Lin chuckled.

"Adorable as always" Lin said.

"Thanks. You know, you should take your hat off more often. I like seeing your hair. So handsome" Flora said running her fingers through his hair.

"I'll keep that in mind" Lin said.

Lin reached for his hat but Flora ducked out of the way.

"Nope! If you want it you gotta catch me first" Flora said before running off.

The two laughed as the chase began. They were running around and having fun just like when they were kids.

"Gotcha!" Lin said picking up Flora by the waist.

Flora squealed and laughed in joy.

"Alright, a deal's a deal" Flora said.

Flora turned around and took off the hat and placed it on his head. But not before giving him a quick peck on the lips.

The two of them then made their way to a clearing. They laid down on the grass and looked up at the stars. Flora snuggled up to Lin and placed her head on his chest. Lin wrapped his arm around her. Flora looked up at Lin's face.


Lin looked down at her.

"I just wanted to say...I love you"

Lin's eyes widened in shock. For as long as they were dating they never actually said 'I love you'.

"Really? Do you mean that?" Lin asked hopefully as they sat up.

Flora nodded with a smile.

"With all my heart"

Lin gently cupped Flora's face.

"I love you too. With all my heart" Lin said before the two shared a kiss.

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