ch 16 Dog castle

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Its a stormy day as a scream is heard from big green. It is revealed to be Mighty Ray screaming as he is strapped to a dentist's table.

"Tooth ache!" Ray said between wails of pain.

Ray held his cheek as Wu Sung approached him holding a sword like object.

"Huh? Hey, you don't look like a dentist. You look like a warrior" Ray said.

"I am a warrior!" Wu Sung said before donning his dentist apparel.

"A warrior who fights cavities and tooth decay. Tooth aches shall bow down before me and call me master!"

Ray screamed as Wu Sung pointed his sword at him. He stopped when he saw the sword contained a magnifier.

"Open" Wu Sung said.

Ray opened his mouth and Wu Sung looked inside.

"Hmm, you have an immense hideous cavity! I must remove it"

Wu Sung's sword produced a pair of pinchers. Using the pinchers Wu Sung pulled at Rays tooth. He fell asleep in the middle of pulling before shaking himself awake. He continued pulling only to fall asleep again. He woke up again and pulled with all his might till finally the rotten tooth came out. Wu Sung was flung to the wall where he fell asleep again.

Ray was released from the table, relieved that his tooth ache was gone. He went over to Wu Sung and shook him awake.

"Huh? I'm sorry, this dental warrior is very tired. The war on tooth decay has yielded over 500 cavity casualties today" Wu Sung said pointing to a pile of rotten teeth.

"If only I could find my long lost twin brother, then I wouldn't have to fight these dental battles alone"

Wu Sung groaned before falling asleep. Ray lifted him and laid him on the pile of teeth.

"You fixed my tooth, and now i will find your brother! Because I am Mighty Ray!"

Meanwhile at dog castle, the dogs were tearing down the humans treehouses. Apetrully arrived in his helicopter and approached the humans.

"Excuse me, but are you having dog troubles?"

"Yes, the dogs used to be our most loyal friends, now they only torment us"

Just then the dogs arrived.

"That's because Master Highroller showed us that humans are evil" Dog king said.

"You speak human!? I've never met a dog who speaks the human tongue" Apetrully said.

"Nevermind that, we dogs don't need humans anymore. We have wooden guides that Master Highroller gave us" dog king said.

"Wise and brooding dog king, wooden man can never love and care for you the way a real human can" Apetrully said.

"No!" Dog king howled. "Stop lying! Stop lying to the dogs!"

Using his icy howl, dog king froze Apetrully solid. Apetrully sent out a distress signal to big green.

"Commander Apetrully is in trouble! First squad deploy!" Mr. No hands said.

Riding Samo whale, they sailed to the icy home of the dogs. Exiting Samo they made their way to dog castle.

"Thanks Samo" Flora said as the girls wave to the whale.

It started to snow as first squad shivered in the cold.

"I hate this, plants don't do well in the cold" Flora said shivering.

"You said it. It's so cold that I got icicles in my bellybutton" Ray said.

Ray then sneezed launching himself off of his turtle.

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