ch 10 The start of a friendship

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My first original chapter. I hope you like it.

11 years ago.

A young Flora was kneeling in front of her guardian/mentor Mother Magnolia. She was a healer who had a strong and magical connection with nature.

"Remember young Flora, everything in our world is connected by the delicate strands of the web of life. Which is balanced between the forces of destruction and the magic forces of creation. Help it grow"

Flora concentrated on a drooping flower. The flower lifted up a bit before drooping down again.

"Why can't I do it?" Flora pouted.

Magnolia chuckled and rubbed the girls head.

"It takes practice child, don't worry. Now, that's enough lessons for today, go out and have some fun"

Flora gasped and hugged her teacher before grabbing her vines. She tied them around her arms and used them to swing from the trees. She played for an hour before she noticed someone else in the forest. It was a young boy around her age. He appeared to be lost and looking for something. Using her vines Flora lowered herself behind him upside down.

"Whatcha doing?" She asked startling him.

She righted herself up and landed in front of him.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you"

"I wasn't scared" the boy protested from the ground.

Flora offered her hand to the boy. He took it and Flora helped him up. The boy noticed the vines wrapped around her arms.

"Why do you have those vines on your arms?"

"So I can do this!"

Flora used her vines to grab a tree branch and swing around the surrounding trees. The boy looked on amazed as the girl landed in front of him.

"That was amazing"

Flora smiled as she gave a short curtsey.

"What about you? Can you do any tricks?" Flora asked.

The boy thought about it before he got an idea.

"Here, watch this"

Grabbing some pebbles he expertly shot them at some acorns knocking them down. Flora clapped as the boy bowed. The boy then held out his hand to Flora.

"My name is Lin chung"

"I'm Flora, its nice to meet you" Flora said shaking his hand.

"So what brings you to the forest Lin chung?"

"My mother's been feeling sick lately, so I thought I'd get her some flowers to cheer her up. I got a little lost though" Lin chung explained.

"We've got lots of flowers at my home, and Mother Magnolia has lots of special plants that could help your mom" Flora said.


"Yep! Come on I'll show you!"

Flora grabbed his hand and the two ran through the forest. Soon they came to a small house surrounded by various plant life.

"Welcome to my home!" Flora exclaimed.

"Woah!" Lin chung said in awe.

Just then Mother Magnolia exited her house.

"Oh Flora, who's your little friend?"

"This is Lin chung, I told him you could help him" Flora said.

"Oh dear, what's wrong?"

"It's my mother mame. She gets very tired and dizzy during the day" Lin chung explained.

"Hmm... I have just the thing wait right here" Mother Magnolia said before entering her house. She came back with a bag of herbs.

"Just give these to your mother and she'll be right as rain in no time" she said giving the bag to Lin chung.

"Thank you Mother Magnolia" Lin chung said bowing respectfully.

"Your very welcome young man. Flora, why don't you help him find his way home"

Flora nodded and led Lin chung back to the village.

"Well here we are. Oh wait I almost forgot"

Flora dug into her pocket and pulled out a drooping flower. Concentrateing hard Flora was able to make it bloom. Lin chung looked in awe.

"Here, I hope your mom likes it"

"Thank you" Lin chung said taking the flower.

When there hands touched a warm feeling spread through both of them. The two kids blushed.

"Well I guess this is goodbye" Flora said sad that she might not see him again.

"It doesn't have to be" Lin chung said making her perk up.

"Really?" She asked hopefully.

"Yeah I'll come back and visit you once my mom is better"

"Promise?" Flora asked holding out her pinkie.

"Promise" Lin chung said sealing the promise.

True to his word, Lin chung came back to visit Flora. The two would play together in the forest, and as the years passed they became inseparable. Until one day Lin chung announced he was leaving.

"Your leaving?" A 14 year old Flora asked.

"Yes, I'm going to train with Tien Khuan, to learn how to fight and protect others"

"How long will you be gone?"

"I don't know"

Flora sighed as she looked to the ground, spotting some stones she got an idea. Grabbing a black and a white stone, she used her powers to form two bracelets from small vines. She gave the black stone one to Lin chung.

"Here, you are yin and I am yang. One is not complete without the other. This way we'll always have a part of each other" Flora explained.

"Lets both get stronger and someday we will fight for whats right together" Lin chung said holding out his hand.

Flora smiled and took his hand.

"It's a deal"

Flora pulled him into one final hug.

"I am going to miss you" Flora said holding back tears.

Lin Chung returned the hug.

"Me too. Until we meet again"

It would be years before they would meet again. They both trained becoming skilled warriors and honing their skills. They would eventually reunite and join the elite force that is First squad.

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