ch 5 Parrot castle

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In Big green Jumpy was impressing everyone with his strength as he effortlessly lifted a barbell with his ears. Later on First squad had a foot race which Jumpy easily won. However, it all turned out to be a daydream in Jumpy's mind. Jumpy jumped and giggled from the daydream.

"Jumpy! Stop your useless daydreaming! Daydreaming won't get you anywhere" Mr. No hands scolded.

"Come on Mr. No hands, aren't you being a little rough on the poor guy?" Flora defended.

"Absolutely not! There is no place for daydreaming in the battlefield" Mr. No hands said. Jumpy looked down in sadness.

Meanwhile, in a human hideout, the ground started to shake.

"Do you hear something slimy?" A woman asked.

Up above ground the parrots were riding snails. They arrived at the entrance of the hideout and dropped smoke bombs down the tunnels. Once the deed was done the parrots left. The humans popped their heads out of the entrance only for thr ground to shake again.

"What now?" The woman asked in fear. The shaking was caused by Big green's tanks. "Oh Big green, thank goodness. We couldn't have stood those parrot attacks much longer"

"Parrots? Did you say parrots!?" Apetrully asked eagerly.

"Yes i did"

Apetrully jumped in joy. "At last! I have been seeking the parrots fir so long!" Apetrully picked up the woman and shook her. "Do you know where the parrots hideout is? Do you know!?"

"Its right over there!" The woman exclaimed pointing to parrot castle.

"My search is over! Hooray! Hooray!" Apetrully said tossing the woman into the air.

Apetrully then started jumping around and chittering like a monkey. He was swinging on the tanks and beating a tank drivers head like a bongo. He swung around some more and smacked his hands on the ground. He stopped once he realized everyone was staring at him.

He straightened up and cleared his throat. " stay here know, protect these people from further attacks. I will face the parrots...alone" Apetrully said glaring in determination.

Meanwhile, the zebra brothers were approaching parrot castle.

"Your crazy! I was parrot king's favourite student! You'll see!" Sparky black said.

"Thats ridiculous. I was the one who knitted oven mitts for him" Sparky white said.

"But I was the smart one"

"No you weren't! You were the smelly one" the zebra brothers started to beat each other up.

While they were fighting, Apetrully made his way to parrot castle. He was startled by a group of parrots. The parrot king appeared and silenced the parrots.

Apetrully bowed to the parrot king. "Laushi hau"

The parrot king was surprised. "Laushi hau? Why do you call me teacher?" Parrot king asked.

"Parrot king, my teacher, its me!" Apetrully said giving him a hug.

"Do i know you?"

"You know me, in another form" Apetrully took off his head to reveal a red monkey.

"Monkey king!" Parrot king exclaimed.

Apetrully took off his disguise to reveal his true monkey self.


Apetrully and several animals were reading books while parrot king taught them.

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