ch 26 A lovely visit

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It was morning in big green and everyone was enjoying breakfast in the cafeteria. Just then the mailman came in and handed a letter to Flora.

"Letter for you Flora"

"Oh, thank you" Flora said taking the letter.

Flora read it and a big smile spread on her face.

"Who's it from?" Lin asked.

"It's from mother Magnolia, she's coming for a visit!" Flora said giddily.

"Who mother Magnolia?" Jumpy asked.

"She was my mentor. She raised me and  taught me everything I know" Flora said.

"She was also a healer, people from the village would come to her for medicine" Lin explained.

"Oh how wonderful! We must prepare for her arrival" Apetrully said.

Later on First squad was outside waiting for mother Magnolia.

"You excited to see her again?" Sonia asked Flora.

"Absolutely, I haven't seen her in so long it'll be nice to catch up"

"So when is she gonna get here?" Ray asked impatiently.

Just then the ground began to shake.

"Right now" Flora said.

From the ground sprouted a giant flower bud. When it bloomed it revealed mother Magnolia inside.

"Mother!" Flora exclaimed rushing over to hug her.

Mother Magnolia chuckled in the embrace.

"Hello my little cherry blossom"

Flora separated from the hug and faced her friends.

"Everyone this is my mentor Mother Magnolia. Mother Magnolia, these are my friends and teammates"

Mr. no hands flew over and bowed respectfully.

"We are honored to have you here mother Magnolia"

"Oh! So serious, please call me Maggie"

"That's Mr. no hands. He's the leader of first squad" Flora said before walking over to Sonia.

"This is Mystique Sonia, and on her head is Yaksha"

Sonia shook Maggie's hand.

"Oh my, such a lovely young lady"

"Aw thank you" Sonia said smiling at the compliment.

Flora then headed over to Jumpy.

"This is the rabbit king Jumpy Ghostface"

Maggie shook Jumpy's hand.

"Hello your majesty"

"Hello Maggie"

Flora headed over to Ray.

"This is-"

"I am Mighty Ray! I am the strongest, fiercest, and most handsome member of big green!" Ray interrupted.

"Also the most annoying" Sonia said making Ray glare at her.

"Well it's very nice to meet you" Maggie said.

"And of course you remember Lin chung" Flora said.

"Little Lin chung, all grown up. I remember you two were inseparable when you were young and now look at you, helping protect hidden kingdom just like you dreamed"

"Let's head inside, there's so much I want to show you" Flora said as they headed into big green.

First squad showed her the main room, the air force hanger, the navy, and introduced her to Commander Apetrully and Woo the wise. When they got to the training room Ray got an idea.

"Hey how about we show Maggie some of our skills"

"That's a great idea Ray" Flora said.

"He had to have one eventually" Sonia said.

First squad each took turns showing off their fighting skills. Sonia used her tongue, Ray used his eyes, Jumpy used his rope and Mr. no hands used his darts. When it was Flora's turn Lin stopped her.

"Why don't we show her your progress with your staff"

Flora nodded and got her staff. She smirked as she twirled the staff and pointed it at Lin.

"Care to spar?"

Lin smirked and grabbed his staff. The two circled each other and began to attack. While Flora had gotten better Lin was still clearly superior. After a while Lin tripped Flora and pointed his staff at her.

"Show off" Flora said.

Lin smirked and offered his hand. Flora took it and he helped her up.

"What should we show Maggie next?" Sonia asked.

"I know just the place" Flora said.

Ridding their turtles they took Maggie to the bamboo forest.

"This is where Lin and I come to get our ammunition" Flora said.

Sitting cross legged she dug her fingertips in the soil and concentrated. Bamboo shoots and flower shurikens grew from the ground. Maggie plucked a shuriken and inspected it.

"Good form, well balanced, sharp petals, well done Flora" Maggie said smiling.

"That's not all I can do" Flora said.

Stomping her foot, giant vines sprung up from the ground. Throwing her hand out the vines shot out and destroyed some boulders. Everyone clapped and Flora took a bow.

"Marvelous! You have truly connected with nature" Maggie said.

"I learned from the best"

It was not sunset and Maggie was preparing to leave.

"I am so proud of you Flora. You have grown into a strong, beautiful, confident woman. I think you are ready for this" Maggie said handing her an old book.

Flora gasped as she carefully took the book.

"Your book of remedies!?"

"Its secrets belong to you now, use it wisely"

"I will I promise"

Flora and Maggie shared a tender embrace.

"And its so nice to see that you and Lin chung finally got together" Maggie whispered.

Flora's eyes popped open as she blushed heavily.

"Uh, actually we're just-"

"Well! I'd best be off! Thank you for a lovely visit" Maggie said walking off.

Flora sighed and smiled.

"Goodbye mother"

First squad gave out their goodbyes. Maggie stomped her foot and was enveloped by a giant Flower. The petals closed around her and sunk into the ground.

"That lady sure knows how to make an exit" Ray said.

Flora chuckled as she held the book close to her.

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