ch 55 Big baby turtles pt 2

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At big green Ray was still reeling from the fact that he was turning into a turtle.

"What do you mean I'm turning into a turtle!? Why is this happening to me?" Ray asked looking at his green skin in the mirror.

Flora was looking through her remedy book.

"I don't know. There's nothing in mother's book about being turned into a turtle. Think back, did you do or eat anything unusual lately?" Flora asked.

Ray had a flashback of him setting off a mechanism in the turtles room causing an egg to shoot down his throat.

"Oh yeah" Ray said remembering.

"Don't be concerned Mighty Ray. Rest assured that Woo the wise will discover a solution to this perplexing problem" Woo said.

Inside Woo's head

'What possible solution could I find for being turned into a turtle!'

Lin put a hand on Ray's shoulder.

"No matter your appearance, you are still a member of first squad" Lin said.

"Actually, I think it's an improvement" Sonia said.

"Sonia don't tease" Flora said.

"Oh my, first the turtles run away and now this. Thank goodness the armadillos have come to our assistance during this crisis" Apetrully said not seeing the uneasy looks of first squad.

"Commander, as they are new to first squad, Perhaps the armadillos would benefit from some battle training" Lin said.

"What a wonderful idea!" Apetrully said.

Cut to the armadillos.

"What a terrible idea. My warriors are the best in hidden kingdom" armadillo king said crossing his arms.

The armadillos were standing infront of an obstacle course with dummies strapped to their backs.

"In this obstacle course, as in battle, rider and mount must work as one to be effective" Lin explained.

"Blah blah blah. Enough talk. Armadillos charge!" Armadillo king said before running into the obstacle course.

The armadillos crashed through the hurtles destroying them and one of the dummies. Next they raced around the track. Two armadillos crashed into each other destroying the treads and the dummies. Armadillo king ran through the water leaving his dummy behind. First squad watched in dismay as all the dummies were destroyed. Flora and Jumpy picked up the head of a dummy. They looked at each other with concern.

Meanwhile the zebras approached the chained up monster turtles with pinchers. Sparky black was dressed as Lin chung and Sparky white was dressed as Sonia. Sparky black groaned.

"I wanted to be Mystique Sonia!"

"I'm prettier"

"Yeah you wish"

When the turtles saw them they roared and pulled on their chains. Just then Highroller ran over dressed as Apetrully.

"Great banana sandwiches! Its those no good turtles. I, Apetrully, command first squad to show these shell butts how much we hate them" Highroller said.

The zebras stepped foward and started pinching the turtles with the pinchers. The turtles roared in pain and tried to attack the zebras.

"Ha! Ha! This is fun! They can't touch us" Sparky black said.

Just then the monster turtle breathed a fireball knocking the zebras back. Highroller laughed.

"Who knew the turtles would turn out to be hot heads"

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