ch 2 Elephant castle

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In the desert Mighty Ray was doing a series of training exercises, from push ups to running while carrying the squad's turtles. While he was working the others were relaxing in the shade. Lin chung was painting, Flora was reading, Jumpy was giving Sonia a back massage and Mr. No Hands was cooling himself off with his propeller.

"This is so stupid! Why am I the only one who has to train when its so hot out here?" Mighty Ray complained.

"You must practice eating bananas" Mr. No hands said.

A turtle shoved a box of bananas towards Mighty Ray.

"Bananas are gross!" Mighty Ray said flinching away from them.

"Bananas give you your power. If you could eat bananas without gagging you could be the most powerful member of Big green!" No hands said.

Mighty Ray grabbed a banana and glared at it.

"Ok banana, try not to be so gross" he said before eating it.

"I am Mighty Ray! Fear my eyeballs!"

Mighty Ray shot lightning at the target destroying both it and the rock formation behind it.

"Not bad" Mr. No hands said.

"Ha! Ha! I am the mightiest of all!" Mighty Ray bragged.

"Now eat another banana" Mr. No hands said.


Mighty Ray nervously picked up another banana. The squad anxiously watching as he ate it. Mighty Ray got dizzy and fainted.

"Medic!" Flora called out.

Sonia came over with yaksha holding a tub of water. She snapped her fingers and yaksha poured the water on Mighty Ray waking him up.

Time skip

Back at Big green everyone was sweating from the heat.

"How is it hotter in here than it is in the desert?" Flora asked miserably.

"I better talk to Woo the wise about this" Mr. no hands said before leaving the main room.

Woo the wise was in his lab fanning himself when he was startled by Mr. no hands.

"Woo the wise! We need your help. The First squad briefing room is baking hot"

"Do not fear Mr. No hands, I am working on a plan to keep all of Big green cool"
Inside Woos head
'I have no plan! I have no idea how to make it cool! What can I do!?'

"And its a very good plan too" Woo said.

Back in the main room First squad was miserable.

"Ugh, I think I'm wilting" Flora said.

Suddenly the distress call rang out. Mr no hands flew into the room.

"Commander Apetrully is in trouble! First squad, deploy!"

First squad opened the hatches and went down the launch tubes. They landed on their turtles and were launched out of Big green towards elephant castle.

"Feel that breeze" Sonia said as they ride their turtles.

"You said it Sonia" Flora said behind her.

Suddenly Lin chung jumped off his turtle without anyone noticing. He was captivated by a pink tree.

"What a strange looking tree"

Back at elephant castle, the tank army and elephants were preparing for battle. The zebra brothers were in a hot air balloon above the battle.

"Destroy the tanks" "Yeah destroy them"  "Master Highroller said so" the brothers ordered.

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