ch 64 The eyes of Mighty Ray pt 2

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Everyone was outside the temple where Ray revealed the startling news.

"You saw twin masters!" Flora said.

"Only their reflection. But trust me, those were my eyeballs in that creepy head" Ray said.

"So what's their plan?" Sonia asked.

"How should I know? They've got my eyes not my ears" Ray said.

"Observe your surroundings. Perhaps they will provide a clue to twin masters location" Lin said.

Ray focused and saw through his eyes.

"I'm on a really big mountain, higher than anything else around. Trees on one side water on the other" Ray said.

The others thought about it before Lin had the answer.

"Mount Heema, the tallest peak in hidden kingdom"

"And that storm, its getting bigger" Ray said.

Later on the group was climbing Mount Heema with Lin leading the way. The winds were strong and the group tied a rope around them to stay to stay together. The group was also carrying packs on their backs. Lin reached a ledge and helped the others up. Sonia sighed as she sat down.

"Whats in these packs anyway? Somebody's rock collection" Sonia said.

Sonia opened the pack to reveal bananas.


"At least we have plenty of snacks" Apetrully said.

"Blegh! I'd rather chomp rocks" Ray said dumping out his pack.

"Hey Ray, I've always wondered, why do you hate bananas so much?" Flora asked.

"You would too if you'd been through what I've been through" Ray said.


Ray and Apetrully were in the forest testing Ray's new powers. Apetrully tossed rocks up in the air and Ray blasted them.

"The stone monkey told Apetrully that to charge my new lightning eyeballs I had to eat a banana"

Ray ate a banana. Ray then ate lots of bananas supercharging his eyes.

"But I figured if I ate loads of bananas I would be Mega Mighty Ray"

Ray made his way to east citadel where Highroller and the animal kings were waiting. Ray blasted at Highroller and the zebra brothers.

"So, I went solo for a little pay back on Highroller and those striped butt kisses"

Highroller gave an order and the animals attacked. Ray blasted back all the animals.

"I was kicking animal hides right and left"

Ray defeated the animals and set his sights on Highroller.

"But then, something happened"

Ray ate a lot of bananas and his eyes overloaded.

"Banana overload!"

Ray screamed as his lightning shot everywhere. Ray fainted when his eyes finally burned out.

"Apetrully said I was lucky I wasn't permanently blinded"

End flashback.

"Ever since then, I can't stand those mushy yellow things" Ray said as the group was walking.

"Excess was your undoing. If you had not overloaded your eyes you may have brought down Highroller" Lin said.

"Oh sure now you tell me" Ray said.

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