ch 17 Camel castle 2

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In big green camel king was painting a portrait of a flower.

"One day Lin chung. One day I will paint my masterpiece and show everyone that I am better than you!"

Camel king glared at his painting and stomped on it. He spat on it before throwing his paintbrush. It hit the other brushes, one of which hit his head. His vision swirled as he looked at the flower. Once his vision cleared camel king laughed evilly.

"Lin chung, it is time for you to taste the salty tears of defeat. I challenge you!"

Meanwhile Lin chung was teaching Flora how to use her new staff. Flora grunted as she used her staff to block Lin Chung's swings.

"Very good, you've gotten defense down pretty well. Now lets try an attack"

Flora switched from defensive to offensive as she swung at Lin chung. Lin chung blocked her attacks.

"Not bad, but your stance is a bit off"

Lin chung adjusted her footing.

"There, now follow my lead"

Lin chung slowly went through motions and Flora copied him.

"You know, this kinda reminds me of when we were kids and we would sword fight with branches" Flora said smiling.

Lin Chung smiled at the memory. Just then the mailman came in.

"A letter for Lin chung"

The two put their staffs away as Lin chung read the letter.

"Who's it from?" Flora asked.

"Its from camel king. It says 'Lin chung, I challenge you to a drawing contest. I will show everyone that I have surpassed even your amazing skill.' I accept" Lin chung said smiling.

Soon the drawing competition was underway. Flora was surprised when Sonia suggested Flora be the model.

"I don't know Sonia, wouldn't you rather be the model?" Flora asked.

"Normally yes, but I have a feeling Lin chung would rather have you up there than me" Sonia said winking.

Flora blushed before making her way to the stage. Spotting Lin chung she smiled and gave a small wave.

"Good luck Lin" she whispered to him.

Lin smiled and nodded before painting. Camel king glared at him before nodding to a couple of camels. They hit him on the head with a log making his vision swirl. Camel king grinned before he started painting. Both artists worked hard on their paintings.

Mighty Ray fell asleep in the audience. Jumpy decided to play a prank and drew a mustache on him. Jumpy giggled at his little prank. Soon peacock queen gave the signal that time was up.

"Times up! Please drop your paint brushes" Apetrully said.

Apetrully revealed Lin Chung's painting. It was a black and white portrait of Flora. The audience gasped in awe and cheered. Lin smiled when he saw Flora smile in awe.

"Thank you" Lin chung said taking a bow.

Apetrully went to Camel king's painting and gasped when he saw it. Apetrully revealed the painting making the audience gasp as well. The painting was of multiple Floras dancing in a circle.

"Wow!" Ray said before his eyes fell out.

"It's beautiful!" Sonia said.

"Clearly camel king is the winner of the competition" Apetrully said causing everyone to cheer.

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