Chapter 61: confrontation

Start from the beginning

I was sitting there thinking, playing with my lucky charms.
"Eat, don't stir," Liam said, smiling. "What's on your mind love?"
"Oh, nothing," I say. I was dealing with way too many thoughts, telling another brother would be too much.

"I'm too nervous to see him," I tell Holly as I shut my locker.
"It's okay, I'm with you," Holly says, squeezing my hand. Unfortunately, this was the only class we had together today.

English went fast enough, and I was with Megan in my second period. I sat with Isabelle and told her what happened every time the teacher turned towards the board.

"He's cheating" she whispers, doodling in her book.
"He's not going to admit it"

"Course he isn't, he's gonna turn it on you."
"Do you think I should break up with him? Maybe I should wait until something happens" I whisper.

"I would've ended things in the restaurant, with how he talked to you," she says, shrugging.
I sigh. "I just don't wanna seem dramatic...that's all," I say.

"You don't need to wait for him to cheat to break up, the sooner you do it the better. You aren't breaking up with him because you're jealous, you know that. You're doing it for a valid reason. You don't need to explain yourself to anyone" she says.

"You're right. Thanks, Isa" I say, feeling a bit more confident about my decision.

After class, I was fully ready to break up with Jamie. I had figured out exactly what to say. I wanted to talk to Holly again, so I went over to where her locker is, that's where Jamie's was too. And Megan's.

When I got there, I saw both of them talking, standing really close. I covered my mouth, and stepped aside, out of sight. I could still hear what was going on perfectly, nobody was around either.

"Can't you just break up with her? You know I'm so much better" She gushed.
"I don't know you that well yet Megan," he says softly.

"Well, I know I do. You deserve so much better than whiny Emma. She gave me such dirty looks in class! I haven't even done anything to her!" She whined.
Liar, I didn't even look her way.

"I don't want to admit it.. but I do have feelings for you," Jamie said slowly. "I love spending time with you''

"See! And she's just goi-" she started again, but the bell interrupted her. Good, I don't know how much more I could take.

"We have 4th period together, right? I'll save you a seat" he tells her softly. I have 4th period with them too.

"Thanks, Jamie"

"Do you want me to walk you to class?" he offers.
"No, it's okay, I don't have class," she says.

"Alright then, see you later!" He says cheerfully, leaving. I quickly move away so he doesn't see me.
"Wow, just wow," I say, walking to Megan.

She looked shocked but then grinned evilly.
"I can't believe you're trying to steal my boyfriend," I say dryly, getting in her face.

"Well you better believe it, because he's going to be mine real soon" she says, batting her fake eyelashes while playing with her necklace.

"You have no idea how bad I want to punch you right now," I say, gritting my teeth, my fists clenched.

"Oh that wouldn't be a smart move, you'd get yourself suspended. Hitting a student, especially the principal's daughter is a major offence" she says innocently.

"What?" I exclaim, taken aback.

"Yeah, I'm Mrs Myers' daughter. So you better not try and get between me or Jamie either, or I will get you suspended, or better expelled with a snap of my fingers" she threatens, slowly backing me towards the lockers.

I'm at a loss for words, once again.
"You know Emma, you should be thanking me. Jamie would've left you anyway after realising how much of a loser you are" she says mockingly, pinning me to the lockers, my head hitting it hard.

I immediately push her off harshly, and she stumbled back, almost falling. Weak.

"How dare you!" She screeched, standing up and barreling towards me. She tried to punch me, but I dodged her easily. She tried to punch me a few more times, but she had a really bad aim so it wasn't hard to dodge her. She tried to punch me again, but this time she caught me off guard and I only semi-dodged her, and she punched my eye pretty hard. I saw red.

I immediately pushed her to the floor and pinned her down, and just when I was about to punch her, Jamie walked right in.

"Jamie!" She cried, suddenly putting on an act, all trace of anger and violence disappearing.
"She's trying to attack me, help!" She cried louder, crocodile tears escaping her eyes.

"What, no! I wasn't-" I defend myself, but he interrupted me angrily.
"Get the hell off of her Emma, you absolute psycho!" He yelled, running towards us.

"What's going on here?" We hear a voice boom, and we see one of Cole's teachers, Ms Marshall running towards where we were, still both on the floor, me having Megan pinned down.

I instantly get off of Megan. "Miss, I can explain!" I plead.
"Emma was attacking Megan!" Jamie yelled. "She was just about to punch her before I came!"
"SHE was the one who started it!" I yell back, glaring fiercely at Megan, who was completely crying now.

"I-I don't know what she's talking about! I was m-minding my own business when she came here and attacked m-me! She pushed me hard!" Megan lied, sobbing. Jamie puts an arm around her shoulder, pulling her in close while glaring daggers at me.

"Oh my- Megan are you okay?" Ms Marshall asked worriedly, walking towards her.

"She's the one who punched me! Look at my eye!" I shout, pointing to my eye. It still hurt obviously, but Ms. Marshall didn't even look at me, she was inspecting Megan, while Jamie glared at me.

"No visible injuries.. do you want ice for your head?" Ms Marshall offers, and Megan nods.
"Let's go to the principal and get everything sorted out, then you can go to the nurse, okay?" Ms Marshall said softly. We barely even started fighting! I didn't even get a punch In!

"Come with me Emma" she ordered angrily, walking all three of us to the principal's office.
I'm in so much trouble.

Once we get to the principal's office, Ms Marshall knocks on the door, and she lets us in.
"Morning Mrs. Myers. We have a bit of a situation here" she says, ushering us in.

"Oh my god- Megan, sweetheart, what happened?" Mrs Myers asked, walking towards us and cupping Megan's face in her hands.

"We found Emma here, attacking her. She had her pinned to the floor, and according to Jamie, she was about to punch her" Ms Marshall explained quietly.

"Emma! How could you?" Mrs Myers demanded angrily.

"That wasn't all! She punched me and pushed me towards the lockers!" Megan added, sniffling.

"Oh, my- are you okay?" Mrs. Myers cooed.

"C-can I have some ice?" She asked quietly, rubbing her head. My, this snake was good at lying.

"Certainly. Er- Ms Marshall, could you get us some ice?" She asked.
"Of course"

Mrs Myers sighed loudly. "Sit down Emma, you too Jamie"
We both sit down, while Megan sat next to her mommy.

"Mrs Myers, Megan was the one who attacked me! She pushed me towards the lockers and punched me!" I insist.

Jamie scoffed loudly, while Mrs. Myers sighed. "We'll talk about this once I call your guardian here," she said sternly. She then proceeded to find Alex's number and call it.

After a short ring, my brother picked up.
"Hello, Mr. Smith. Ah- yes she's okay, but you have to come to the school, she has attacked a student. Yes, yes- she did. We will- yes. Okay, thank you"

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