"I'm hungry and they have me starving in here." Legacy groaned as the doctors hooked her up to machines.

"We're sorry sweetie, if it makes you feel better you can eat after birth." The doctor told Legacy before walking out of the room along with the other doctors leaving Jdot, Channing, her brothers, and Pooter in the room.

"I forgot I had to push a baby out my coochie, wait ask them can they cut me open." Legacy became nervous as she sat up in the hospital bed.

"You said you didn't want a scar on your belly from then cutting you open." Jdot reminded her making her shake her head no.

"Oh hell no, no, no, nopeeee, get somebody else to do it, I forgot all about pushing a baby out, they can give me medicine?" Legacy asked as she begin to cry.

"They can, but they gone give you a shot in your back, and you hate shots." Channing frowned, she knew Legacy hated needles.

"Oh nawwww, a needle not going in my back, owwww." Legacy yelled once she felt another contraction hit her.

"How's it feel to have contractions?" Pooter asked making her mug him.

"It feels like your stomach is going rip open." She rolled her eyes.

"Okay Ms.Kind-Williams, we have the option to let you give natural birth meaning no meds or you can have medication." The doctor told her as he walked in.

"I will have the medication." Legacy said making the doctor smile.

"Great, I'm going to need you to turn so I can give you the shot in your back." Legacy immediately raised her eyebrows as he pulled out a needle making Whop raise his eyebrows in shock at how long the needle was.

"That's not going in my back." Legacy shook her head no as she back away from the doctor.

"So your doing natural birth?" The doctor asked.

Legacy looked at the needle and thought how far the needle would go into her back.

"Is Ms.Breezy backing down from something?" Pooter teased making Legacy look over at him.

"Yup, I'm backing all the way down, natural birth can't be that bad." She shrugged her shoulder as she tried to convince herself.

"It's not honey, but the medication is what I prefer." The doctor told her.

"If it's not any other way for that to go into my system then I'm not taking that medication." Legacy shook her head making him nod before walking out.

"Scary ass." Jdot chuckled making her mug him.

"I don't care, let them put that needle inside of you." She told him.

"That needle ain't shit." He shrugged his shoulders making her roll her eyes.

"Owwwww, where the fuck is the doctors my baby is killing my rib cages!" Legacy yelled.

"Ma'am last we checked you were not dilated far enough." The doctor walked into the room.

"Well check again! My baby is killing me." Legacy demanded making the doctor lift the cover up and check as everybody covered their eyes but Jdot, his child was coming out of there so he had to see.

"Two more and we're there." The doctor said making Legacy groan.

"Can you guys cut my belly open without leaving a scar?" She asked.

"Unfortunately no, it's always going to be a scar." She told her making her nod her head before she walked out.

"I can't believe your birthing a baby." Channing smiled at her.

"Please don't remind me I'm pushing a baby out of my coochie, I think I need to throw up." Legacy said as she rubbed her forehead.

"Ion know who acting worse, you or the daddy who recording everything." Whop spoke making Legacy look at Jdot and seen he was recording on both of his phones making her laugh.

"He's saving the memories." Legacy laughed.

"I got to, my baby finna be born." He laughed as he saved the videos he recorded.

"OWWWWW! NURSES IF I GET ANOTHER CONTRACTION IM PUSHING!" She yelled making the nurses rush into the room.

"Guys she's at 10 now it's time for her to push, you guys have to exit only father can be in the room." The nurses told them making them get out of the the room as more nurses came in.

Jdot immediately stood up and stood by Legacy as he grew nervous himself.

"Okay mom you have to push on 3." The doctor instructed after they lifted her legs up.

"What already?" Legacy asked as she begin to panic.

"Yes ma'am, 1...2...3!" The doctor counted making Legacy push.

"Owwww." Legacy cried as she pushed.

"One more push mama I can see the head." The doctor said, Legacy grabbed Jdot and squeezed it before giving a big push.

"I SHOULDVE TOOK THE FUCKIN MEDICINE!" She yelled as she pushed again.

"A beautiful baby boy." The doctor smiled as she held the baby before he begin crying.

"Dad do you want to cut the umbilical cords?" The doctor asked.

Jdot nodded his making a doctor hand him the scissors and he cut the umbilical cord.

"Can he give him his first bath?" Legacy asked as she was out of breath.

"Yes ma'am, we can arrange that." The doctor smiled before handing the baby who was wrapped in a blanket to Legacy.

"Awww, he's so adorable, and he looks like you." Legacy chuckled as tears rolled down her face.

"No bap, I already knew he was gone look like me, my genes strong." He chuckled as he watched the baby in Legacy arm.

"Ja'Antae Legend Rivers Jr." Legacy named him.

"Ight now you been carrying him for 9 months my turn." Jdot grabbed softly grabbed him out of her arms making her laugh before grabbing his phone out of his pocket and snapping pictures of him holding the baby.

"Secure his head Ja'Antae." Legacy told him.

"Help me." He told her making her scoot over on the bed and so he could sit next to her.

She helped him secure the baby head before smiling and taking more pictures before she got sleepy.

"Go to sleep ma I got him, we gone be here when you wake up." Jdot told her making her nod her head.


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