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several years later

Tainan, Taiwan


Jimin took a sip from his ice coffee and flipped a page in the book he was reading.

The evening sun was bathing the building in a warm shade, a comfortably mild summer atmosphere being created. Some children ran through the streets to get to the nearest park with lots of laughter and screams. Almost bumping into two women who were chatting while carrying their groceries.

He turned another page when sensing someone taking a seat on the free chair on the other side of his table. He didn't need to look up to know who it was though. The café being not overly crowded, and he had already seen him enter from the corner of his eye.

"You finally found me."

"Who said I ever lost track of you?"

Jimin perked up with a lopsided smirk, arching a brow at him. "What took you so long then?"
Seokjin laughed out, shaking his head. "Choosing a country that isn't an interpol member to settle down.. you knew what you were doing."

Closing the book on his lap, he took another sip from his coffee.

"Oh, is that so? I just came here for the nice weather," he said innocently, a small chuckle leaving his lips as he looked at his former antagonist. It felt strange somehow, having him simply sit there casually next to him without him trying to arrest him. Who would've thought a day like this would ever come. "And how comes you pay me a visit now?"
The older man shrugged, leaning back in his seat. "Been awhile since the last time I saw you, so I thought why not spending my vacation here?'"
Jimin nodded understanding and smiled at him. "And how've you been?"
He shrugged. "Oh, you know.. after you guys became inactive, it became quite boring."
"No, that wasn't a compliment."
"It sounded like one though."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Seokjin sighed, "But you know, it became boring and you know, I ain't getting younger either. So after I got married, I decided to take it easier and stepped down from the leader position. I focus more on paperwork now."
Jimin's eyes widened in shock as he straightened himself. Unable to imagine some random office sitter in the leader position. "And who's the leader in the theft divison now?"
"Oh!" he exclaimed and relaxed into his previous position, "I can see that. She always seemed eager to prove herself to you."
"And she did."
"Kinda sad for Jungkookie though, isn't it?"
"Nah," Seokjin waved at him, shaking his head, "He never was interested in that position. He still works there with her though."
Jimin couldn't keep himself from laughing at the thought of Skylar and Jungkook together and her giving him orders while he obeyed like a good subordinate. "You know, I always felt like the two were into each other and ever since I tried setting them up.."
A teasing grin spread on Seokjin's features. "Since when are you so invested in other people's love life?"
He only shrugged and dragged a dramatic sigh. "Can't help it, I'm such a romantic."
Seokjin laughed under his breath. "To be honest, I sometimes felt the same," he admitted then, "And I still think it whenever I catch them looking at each other. Perhaps it was their professionalism that kept them from going further."
"Or perhaps they're just dating in secret."
He perked up at this, seeing Jimin wiggling his brows at him. "You think so?"
"I might or might not have my sources."
The older man laughed out, nodding. "Well, good for them then."
"But wait!" Jimin exclaimed then, suddenly having processed something else. "You said you got married? To Yongsun?"

Seokjin's eyes widened, realising he had indeed mentioned it. He bit back a smile, confirming it again with a quick nod. "Yeah.."
"And I wasn't invited to the wedding?" Jimin faked offence to which Seokjin grinned.
"Figured you wouldn't have wanted to get arrested."
"True. But since you only met her thanks to me, I still think I deserved it."
"It surely wasn't thanks to you.."
"Now, don't be so unfair," Jimin pouted, "You wouldn't have been at that ship if I hadn't planned to steal the 'black star'." He was referring to the party a CEO of one of the biggest korean companies had thrown for his wife's birthday two years ago. And that wife had happened to own a very valuable black pearl, which she was wearing on a spray brooch and which the gang had been after. "So technically, I deserved an invitation."
Seokjin groaned in annoyance, getting tired of their quarrel. "You know what? I take it back. It's been great since you retired. I finally got some peace."
"Rude considering I practically introduced you to her."
"You didn't 'introduce' her to me!" Seokjin objected with a laugh, "You pushed her on me when I was running after you!"
"Still counts - you're married now, aren't you?" Jimin pointed out with a sly grin.
He wasn't able to disagree with that. So he gave up with an exhausted sigh.

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