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After breaking into the evidence storage and finding his gun, Jimin found the staircase leading upstairs to the main building. He ensured no one was close by while peeking through the door.
If he remembered correctly from the previous times he had been there, there should be a visitor's lavatory on ground level. And that close to the staircase.

However, he stopped in his tracks and pressed himself against the wall when hearing voices coming from a corridor further away, footsteps echoing on the linoleum ground shortly before dying down. He exhaled relieved and reached the lavatory. Already spotting the small window up high. Too high for normal peoplebut not for him. It wasn't any porblem to climb up the stalls and bent enough to reach the small margin and open it. He could literally climb on anything like a monkey.

He crawled through it, the frame just wide enough for him to fit. And since it was ground level, it wasn't too difficult to jump down.

Unfortunately, none other than Agent Blake turned around the building's corner just in that moment. Stopping in her tracks when seeing Jimin. Both staring at each other bewildered.
"Park Jimin, you're under arr-"
Before she could even finish her sentence and draw out her gun, he had already rushed behind her. Holding her arms behind her back and spreading her legs with his, just in case she thought about kicking him where it hurt, making it impossible for her to move.
"Nah, nah, love," he smirked, making her scoff.
"I'm Agent Blake, for you."
"Say, Agent Blake, can't remember anyone else smelling so lovely like you. Is that parfume?"
Skylar's lips parted, that comment coming out of nowhere took her off-guard. "Wh-"
"Let me guess," Jimin chuckled then from behind, "You're into your little colleague, agent Jeon, right?"
She frowned about this random conclusion. "T-that'd be highly unprofessional," she defended herself, huffing loudly.
"Aw, c'mon, you can tell me.."

The woman pursed her lips, feeling her cheeks flushing. She breathed in deeply then. Gathering all her energy. "Agent in danger! Hel-!" Her mouth got quickly covered by one of his hands. "Shhh, don't be so mean," he whined, "You know you ain't in danger. Don't get me in trouble just because I'm exposing your crush on the little guy."
"He isn't a little guy," she mumbled against his hand, "He could beat your ass with no trouble."
Jimin laughed out at this, amused about him having hit a nerve. As always. Analysing people and finding out their weaknesses was part of the job after all. "Aw, sorry for offending your crush."
"He isn't my crush!"
He grinned, knowing she couldn't see him. "Whatever you say, love." Before she could retort anything else or attempt escaping, he pinched the spot between her neck and shoulder.
And Skylar instantly succumbed, her body subsiding in his arms. "She's heavier than she looks," he mumbled and carefully sat her down. Leaning her unconscious body against the wall.

He grabbed her phone out of her jacket then and started running to the parking lot. Breaking into one of the few cars when hearing sirens going off inside the building.
"Well, those were exactly ten minutes," he said, looking at his watch, "Punctual as always, pops. But I'm not dumb." He took the little tracker from the coat's pocket that Seokjin thought he hadn't noticed him placing there, crushing it with his heal and got inside. Hot-wiring the car to get the motor to jump start instantly.

He floored the gas pedal and left, rushing down the streets of Seoul to the direction of an old hideout. On the way, he planned to stop in an alley and leave the car, as the cops would easily find the car tag from security footage, and change into a different one.

While overtaking another car he took Skylar's phone out of the pocket and started scrolling through her contacts. Pressing on one of them.

As the dial tone started ringing, he coughed. Preparing his voice while he waited for the other person to pick up.
"Hello? Skylar?"
"Jungkookie, please help me!" Jimin said panicked in Skylar's voice. Immitating her perfectly. Even adding a pleading tone, to make it more believable.
"S-Skylar? Where are you?"
"At the east side of the building. Please, hurry." And with that he hung up. Tossing the phone out of the window.

"Thank me later, love."


3 minutes earlier

"Is everything alright? How did this happen?"Jungkook was looking with worried eyes at his supervisor. "Did he fake the amnesia after all?"
Seokjin shook his head, rubbing his wrists that were finally freed from the handcuffs.
"Sir, I-"
"It's alright," Seokjin waved off the guard who had failed to notice Jimin. He brushed past him and headed upstairs, leaving the cellblocks.
"I don't think he faked the amnesia part," he answered Jungkook who was trailing behind him. "He said someone gave him a pill and messed with his mind, ordering him to eliminate Valentine."
"Makes sense.. he'd never do this on his own.." the younger agent mumbled, earning an arched brow from Seokjin. "I-I mean, for all we know it'd be quite atypical of him."
"True," the older guy nodded and headed to his desk.
"And did he say who it was? The one ordering him to eliminate Arabella?"
"He didn't say that."
Seokjin's short replies only rose more questions in Jungkook's head. And Seokjin could tell by the deep crease betweem Jungkook's brows. "But why do they want him to kill her?"
Pursing his lips, Seokjin had to suppress a chuckle. "Not sure. He only said she had been part of them."

Jungkook nodded, still not entirely satisfied. Rubbing his forehead, his eyes fell on the whiteboard next to their desks. "Who's 'owl inc'?"
Seokjin hummed, glancing up from the papers in front of him confused. "Never heard of it. Why?"
"Because someone wrote it here." Jungkook pointed with his finger on the bulletpoint on the bottom.
The older agent furrowed his brows, walking up to him. Jungkook's phone rang then and he excused himself as he bent down, to reread the notes on Jimin and his gang.

Arabella Valentine
- no known alias
-age: unknown, ca. 25-30
-birthplace/nationality: unknown
-background: kidnapped at 5 by 'owl inc', past member
-associate to PJ his lover!

Someone had wiped out 'unknown' under background and had added new info. Alongside 'his lover' under associate. And Seokjin knew exactly who that someone had been.
But what or who was 'owl inc'? Were they the ones Jimin had been talking about?

He heard hurried footsteps coming closet then. "Sir, that was Agent Blake. It seems she's in trouble," Jungkook said flustered.
Seokjin frowned. "Okay, but be careful. Perhaps it wasn't the real Blake after all."
Jungkook's eyes widened, eventually understanding what he meant. It wouldn't be the first time Park Jimin perfectly immitated someone's voice, even a female one. So he nodded, promising to be careful before rushing out.

Seokjin watched him disappear behind the glass doors before focusing his attention back to the white board.

"Don?" he called out for one of the other few agents there. The man instantly perking up when hearing his name. "Call Jung Hoseok from the organised crime department tomorrow morning, I wanna ask him if he knows anything about this 'owl inc'." The agent nodded and noted it down, when Seokjin called out for him again. "And also get Kim Namjoon from special victims department here. We might need him, too."

In the meantime. Jungkook had exited the building and headed to its east side. Looking around frantically for any signs of his partner. His gun in his hand, just in case as he carefully roamed the area and turned around a corner.

Catching his breath when seeing an unconscious body against the wall. "Sky!"
Her head was bent towards one side, eyes closed.

He instantly put his gun back into its holster and rushed towards her, getting down on one knee beside her. She didn't seem to have any external injuries however that would explain her unconsciousness. He brushed some strands of hair away, trying taking her pulse by pressing two fingers on her arteria carotis. A long sigh of relief leaving his lips, when he could sense her pulse. Although a faint one. He knew he had to take her to the hospital immediately.

So he heaved her from the ground, holding her close as he walked her to his parked car.
"Hang in there a lil' bit more, Sky."


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